Making 2D tilesets - Topdown or Sidescroller?
Making 2D tilesets - Topdown or Sidescroller?
Friday, April 25, 2014 - 11:26
I want to make and publish some tilesets for you guys to use, but I don't really know where to start and with what..
Which one is more asked for? Topdown or Sidescroller?
That's a good question. Lately I'd lean toward sidescroller, but it's hard to say. Maybe some other people can chime in.
If nobody else says anything, I'd say just take your pick. :)
I love playing games in either style. That being said, having top-down resources is always a plus (personal preference). I'm not an artist but the Dawn Bringer palette seems quite useful and popular, you might be able to make whatever resources you craft compatible with a larger set by using that palette.
You can find the original post by Clint Bellenger about this palette here:
Here is a discussion that includes some 32 color palette talk:
And finally, here is a discussion about color palettes that includes some talk about the same:
Thank you both.
I think I will read everything in the morning again, it's 11:30PM here..
When I finished reading AND did understand everything (non-native english speaker here) I will start making some Topdown-Tiles and I think I will punlish them here.
I agree top down style is typically more useful, for me.
And, it's possible to do more with less tiles.
I forgot, here's a direct link to the DB32 palette if you so desire it: