Public Domain Pixel Art - 2 resized res. mess.
Public Domain Pixel Art - 2 resized res. mess.
2 platformer tiles (Forest / Nature & Mountains & Caves) are unusable due to tumblr image resizing.
pdpxart: Andrew J Hamilton
Perhaps the preview gives a good glimspe on what it could've been. I was enthusiastic on sharing, I did not notice the unusable state on the 8x8 pixel tiles.
The first one has lossy resizing but the second does not.
I checked the total pixel size of both.
Forest / Nature - 500x125
Mountains & Caves - 500x111
It doesn't seem to match up with 8x8. I appreciate the double checks. One day the pixel tiles could be deciphered.
Ack, I forgot to mention. I measured the spritesheet not the preview.
Yes, the first has the loss of resizing and the second does not.
Both sheets have blatant lossy resizing. I'm not sure why either of you say the second one isn't, because it clearly is if you examine it in an image editor.
All I can say is, look again. No jpg dithering, no wonky pixel sizes, no blurring, and it resizes down from 3x just fine.
... Huh? I think you're merely talking about the preview images, the actual sheet images are obviously both broken:
Which is a bloody shame, because the previews look so good.
Oh yeah, I'm only talking about the images in the thread itself, not the submissions. Sorry about that.