Open Game Builder
Open Game Builder
I'm working on a project. I just started playing with it and it's kinda taken on a life of it's own.
Concept: Allow users to build a playable "world" within a given area. Connect all those areas to create a larger game.
I'm looking for feedback and folks to early beta test. (Ummm, very early Beta test, do NOT get mad if I wipe your maps. I will try to give warning if I do this)
Any feedback or thoughts is appreciated. I'm thinking this might make a great tie-in to and would be interested in collborations once I reach a point where I think it's production ready.
Game seems to work best in chrome.
So far, I've implemented the followi
- Explore map
- Generate a dynamic map
- Allow users to explore the map
- Allow user to claim an area
- Allow users to Fight dumb AI
- Allow users to upload custom tilesets
- Allow users to "edit" the world with custom or existing tilesets.
And some screenshots....
You're aware that it's copyright infringement to use the RPG Maker stuff, right?
Which tile set is from RPG Maker?
Never mind, Your talking about the main character...I got it from here:
It's not a big deal for me to change it...and I will do so in the next few days.
Sorry, didn't see your reply until now. Yeah, I meant the character, also everything marked flowers in the second screencap. BTW, that site is notorious about taking resources from wherever it finds them and it doesn't bother with things like credit and terms of use. I would highly recommend you delete your bookmark and not go back.