Programmer for Game Project?
Programmer for Game Project?
Hi there. I'm an artist and writer - you can see my art work here:
I have designed characters and written some dialogue for a game about a woman saved from death, who must now navigate the dangers of a dream world, and learn how to control and affect reality around her while trying to recruit and save a group of her friends.
It would be in an isometric perspective, with a lot of story, as well as hack-and-slash/beat-em-up action. A bit Zelda-like, with bosses and plenty of dialogue, adventure game style.
Not unlike the look of Kingdom Hearts for GBA:
I'm looking for a programmer to work with - where I would create the artwork and write the dialogue, and you would create the game - 50/50 work. This is unpaid but with luck we may be able to Kickstart later on. Let me know if you're interested. gilchristgarrett at gmail.
Im starting to learn modern OpenGL 3.3 - 4.1, in c++. It may take some time for me to learn it. But i will definently email you when ive finish learing it.
You may want to put a little more information about what kind of platform you're targetting, as that can affect the tools (available engines, APIs, etc.) that are available, as well as the limitations of what you'll be able to do therein.
I'm thinking that each level would be released separately as a series of "episodes" for PC, Linux and OSX. Different styles of gameplay could even be experimented with in order to tell the story.
I've been looking for an artist for a while now to team up with and create a game and I thought your work was great, so I'd love to help you do this.
I have 3 years or so experience with Java and know C# as well.
You can contact me at this email:
I am a game programmer. Let me know if still looking for one.
I've been working with Dwapook who has some really good ideas psychologically about it, but we're still just starting to scratch the surface; I need to put more time into the artwork. Feel free to write me; I'm sure we can use multiple people!
Would you be willing to do some art work on the side for hire? I'm a mobile developer. If so you can email me at groundhoggrafix1 at Thanks.
I can help you out. More over - i`m skilled at releasing/publishing games.
I develop in html5, flash(for web) and corona(for mobiles).
Here are my recent mobile games:
You can sent me what you have - atlest - to evaluate how much left to do to get to release stage.