Krita Kickstarter Project - Successfully Funded!

Krita Kickstarter Project - Successfully Funded!

The Krita Foundation has begun a Kickstarter project to add twenty four (or more) new features to it's Krita software.

For those who don't know, Krita is a free and open source program for creating digital art. It offers many of the same features found in Adobe PhotoShop, but without the hefty price tag. It's also comparable to the GIMP, but I find Krita's interface much more intuitive.

For those interested in animation, the animation feature in Krita is being worked on and improved.

This is a great piece of free and open software that deserves your support. Please consider donating to the Kickstarter project and spreading the word!


EDIT: The Krita Kickstarter project was successfully funded with a grand total of €19,955 raised. However, this doesn't mean you can't still support the Krita Foundation in some way. Many thanks to everyone for making this happen!