House tiles - base lpc bugs
House tiles - base lpc bugs
I wasn't sure where else to post.
I seem to either be using them wrong, or the house tiles have some issues in every pack I try them from (the Tile Atlas package, or the base assets package).
Vatigo has a comment detailing one issue here:
The house walls also don't line up right for me.
When attempting a house like in the demonstration pic, where the wall stops left of the door then another wall is placed one tile further back (or up), those tiles don't actually touch, there's a space of a pixel or few in between killing the illusion of that being a corner.
I see these houses used in several demo's so I'm just wondering if I'm using them improperly, do they need some kind of border or offset setting, or are they bugged?
I do remember coming across this issue duing the LPC competition.
I couldn't figure out how to correct it in Tiled either, so just rejig the tile map until the pieces you want are in the right place.
K so I figured out one of them. The wall spacing issue you can cover up by putting another center wall tile behind it on another layer. I assume its like that so the roof can have a tiny overhang.
The door decorations I just ended up fixing, or my idea of fixing anyway. Attached are the base asset with my change, and the build_atlas that someone else collected where I made the same change.
Edit: to include window fixes for the problem vatigo pointed out
thanks tricid! if you don't want i would upload them as new tiles and somehow link them together with tags.
i had trouble with the windows too, i can imagine a lot of people will fall into that.
I'm not sure I know how to do that, I'm pretty new to the site
you would just have to "Submit Art" and select the LPC tag or just name them "Redone .. bla" and paste your above explanation of what was changed into the description.