Depicting procedural terrain elevation
Depicting procedural terrain elevation
Okay there aren't a whole lot of places where you can address artists and programmers at the same time so I'm asking here as sort of a last resort before moving on to "Plan B."
I'm in the planning and prototyping stages of making an old-school-inspired RPG. I have both art and programming skills and so I'm doing everything myself once I'm out of prototype phase. It's a little daunting but this is to be a long project anyways.
Anyway here's my problem. Ideally, I want top-down 3/4 perspective hand-drawn all the way for my graphics. Like Zelda or Pokemon, but with vector graphics instead of pixel art. I also want terrain that is procedurally generated, and has some variance to its "height." Ordinarilly, in 2d games, everything is hand-crafted on the map scale. This leads to a large gap between what I can find for tutorials and free art for prototyping, and my final vision for the game.
All the art I've found is based on a system where all the heights of things are predetermined and really exist in a flattened "walk or no-walk" state. But for my game, I want you to be able to "rotate" the view angle in 90-degree increments, and for the terrain to be actually represented in the data as seperate heights.
At first, I thought I would solve it by using "isometric" perspective inspired terrain tiles. IE, each tile type, instead of having different image for each way it may meet with other tiles, has a top and side to it, and you just simply move up the screen for higher elevations and then draw over the edges on the next row of tiles. However, with 3/4 perspective, nothing looks right. You can never tell where the edges of height areas are.
I think perhaps a combination of the two methods would be best but I just have no frame of reference for it to start from.
Have you ever encountered a similar situation? What should I do?
Currently, my back up plan is to do the graphics in "isometric" style. It technically would be easier, as I'd have to only draw 2 base facing directions for my character assets, instead of three. (In iso, I can draw facing UP-RIGHT and DOWN-RIGHT and then just flip them, in 3/4 I have to draw UP and DOWN and RIGHT, and then flip RIGHT for LEFT. Assuming both ways I only do 4 directional movement)
If I could just find something similar, though, or maybe just look at it in a different way, Id feel a lot better. I always loved my Pokemon as a child and doing it any other way seems like a copout.
If you have height information in map you could use different height to cast different lengths of shadows. Tall mountains would cast long shadows as house only small one. If you have heigth maybe house could have longer shadow from the center of the house.
did you consider rendering the terrain in 3D? since you already have the data to do that. i think it should be possible to make it look like pixel art with the right textures and maybe a nifty shader. and if you only allow 4 camera rotation (and not arbitrary rotation), that might also make it easier to make it look 2d pixel-artish.
regarding the shadows suggested by reemax: here's one such technique described under "Shadow Tile Placement"