Mind the Gap ( aka What kind of art does OGA need more of?)

Mind the Gap ( aka What kind of art does OGA need more of?)

dannorder's picture



Someone made a comment on another thread suggesting this site already has a lot of a certain kind of art. That got me thinking about what kinds of art are underrepresented on OGA.

I'm throwing this out to everyone to brainstorm on. Any way you want to approach the question is fine. It could be style, color, size, genre, images that match the graphics in some other submission (with link so we can take a look), or whatever.

Once we have those suggestions others can point people to art already here that might be what you're looking for. Or maybe an artist will think, "I had no idea anyone wanted that. Let me work on something..."

Let me just toss some ideas out there to get things started:

  • More complete art packs so someone can download one set and get all they need for a basic game. We've got some Breakout-style sets, and things that would work in match three games or Sokoban, and various platformer and shoot-em-up art of course, but what about all the other classics?
  • Characters that would work with Kenney's platform art that aren't all aliens wearing space helmets. Great stuff, but some variety would be good.
  • More high-res, colorful art that would work well in an iPad game. We've got some good balloons and a few other things, but we could sure use more.

What does everyone else think?