Free the Dungeon-themed asset pack
Free the Dungeon-themed asset pack
Hello, OGA folks.
I have the following proposal:
Free the dungeon-themed resources pack by making a small
but fully completed game. Here is a brief description what is
offered in the pack (see the previews):
1. Wall tile with diffuse, normal and specular textures (D/N/S)
2. Floor tile with diffuse, normal and specular textures
3. Ceiling tile with diffuse, normal and specular textures
4. Column model with diffuse, normal and specular textures
5. Double wall with D/N/S textures and moving up/down
animation + sound effect.
6. Grated door with animation and D/N/S textures
7. Throw-switch with D/N/S textures, animations and sound
8. Chain-lever with D/N/S textures, animations and sound
9. Button with D/N/S textures, animations and sound
10. Pressure plate with D/N/S textures, animations and sound
11. Torch with D/N/S textures, and sound
13. A lock with D/N/S textures, and sound
14. A key with D/N/S textures
All sound effect files in OGG format.
All resources are licensed to use in OGA Dungeon-related
Project ONLY. This resources are NOT FREE to use, they are
NOT under Creative Commons of any sort. Exclusive permission
is granted to use them ONLY in OGA Dungeon-related Project.
If the game is completed within 6 months, all resources
will be released under CC0 licence.
I will post the link to the archive containing all the resources if the project kicks-off successfully.
Proposed game description:
It is a 3D first person dungeon crawler with a grid-based move-
ment, similar to Dungeon Master, Eye of the Beholder, and
Legend of Grimrock. The difference is that it is not a party
based, player has no attributes and does not have to enter a
combat (yet). Your goal is to “escape the dungeon”.
Game must have the following features:
Menu items (apart from start and quit)
1. Save/Load
2. Options (screen resolution, music and sound effects volumes)
1. Soundtrack
2. In-game ambient background tracks ( 3 for a good variety )
3. In-game sound effects (ideally, all actions are sndfx-ed)
4. 3D sound.
1. Simple yet flexible logic of switches. Sort of like in the
Legend of Grimrock.
2. Free camera look with right mouse button.
3. Basic adventure-game style inventory (for keys, stones and
some other simple objects).
4. Simple object interaction: take an object from and to an
inventory, press a button, throw a switch etc.
5. All game objects have a text property: explanatory text that
you can see if you “explore” the object. E.g. “an old rusty
6. Teleportation from one place to another via activated portals.
1. Support for diffuse, normal and specular textures
2. Dynamical lighting, particles (e.g for fire, teleport).
4. Flickering/randomly floating torchlight, mist/fog.
6. Context-sensitive mouse pointer.
System requirements:
Must run smoothly on a computer with 256Mb video card, CPU 2.0Ghz single core, requires under 2Gb of
hard-drive space. Linux platform must be supported.
Maybe an option is to revive jClassic RPG?
That looks like an excellent project.
Does it have to be 3D?
In short -- yes. Why?
I might have given it a shot, but I do not have any plans for any 3D games. The best thing I liked about is no combat. I wanted to do something like that for years. Some dark scary dungeon, to solve puzzles and hide from enemies (not just a big puzzle). Something like a commoner, who finds himself in a dungeon and tries to escape from it.
Sounds good. I had a "plot" in mind initially, but did not want to enforce it. It's similar to what you say: "trapped in a dungeon and need to escape". So you want to go ahead and make a little first person 3D dungeon crawl?
My problem is with 3D, I have no experience in it. If some one takes on the 3D part of the game then I might do the mechanics. I have very little time thus completing this project in 3D without help is impossible.
Let us see if anyone else would be interested in this type of project.
I am somewhat interesting in this.
What I am planning to do is to work with the idtech4 engine (used by Doom 3), and create a small "kit" that FOSS projects can use as a base for their own games. Similar in scope to Julius's defunct artbaseidtech4 project, but I plan to include the engine too (I am a programmer, and have some ideas for the engine which I'd like to try out).
The idtech4 engine ticks nearly all of yd's requirements, and is very well suited to creating a 3D dungeon crawl kind of game.
Hrmm, please don't remind me of my failed, over-ambitious attempts :( Not even sure if I still have some remains or deleted them in frustration...
Using idtech4 sounds like a good idea though, but probably more ambitious than reviving jClassic RPG.
Btw: any enemies planned for the game? Without that it might be a bit boring. Will be a somewhat difficult to find some that are nice enough though (and creating them from scratch is unrealistic for a "small" project like this).
Edit: Hmm on the other hand, a project like this would really benefit from a simple level editor. Not sure if idtech4 would be the best for that.
Yuo can use most of the creatures from open dungeons as enemies(converted to ogre even), ancient beast also has very good monsters
You don't actually need any monsters for a good game. Just create a suspense and make sure that player will want to escape from the unknown. You can simply darken the screen, increase heart beat when the "monster" comes near. It will even make it more surreal and increase immersion. I will definitely find myself immersed in a game running from an unknown enemy rather than hacking goblins.
At the moment, apart from *.blend models, .png textures, and .ogg sound effects I have a little "level editor": Tiled map editor, in which I create a layout and a python script in Blender that assembles the dungeon. This can be either exported as a single model or such a script can be adapted for some other game engine. This "script" IS included in the offer.
The game does not have to be large. A single, but fully functional and fun to play, level is sufficient. It is better to keep it small. It is not hard to make one enemy, sort of a "slender man" that haunts the player, as cemkalyoncu suggests. It does not have to be humanoid, a simple sentient stone (sort of a cube from the Legend of Grimrock) will do.
Hello! Just registered after lurking for so long. What do you guys think of using the unity engine? Requirements for running unity games:
Ive been using this for quite some time now, sadly without any finished projects. The free unity can handle nearly everything that this game would need. Very intereseted in this.
Well, whenever I see a game done in Unity, it is always sub par. If it is AAA game, it would require much more resources, clunky UI or camera (JA: back in action, Cities in motion 2, Crusader kings 2). If its a small development team, it will have nice graphics, no UI and no game play. I even have friends using Unity (and defending it), second rule still applies. I honestly don't know if its because of Unity or generally lazy or wizard loving people choose to use it.
A great number of unity users are indeed lazy wizard loving people. :(
There are still some really great games using unity.
No UI can be good depending on the game. The new UGUI is a great improvement over the almost unusable gui before unity 4.6.
OK, that solves the mystery. If you guys decide on using Unity, I still can do mechanics, as long as you don't force me to use C# or Java.
Unity needs C#, Boo or Unityscript which is a moified form of Javascript (no with statements, classes are possible and semicolons are must are some things I remember).
Ecmascript variants are fine-ish. The end result is generally buggy unless you spend tons of time testing it. I can work with C# too but I think no one around me will like it. I tend to swear a lot while programming in C# or Java.
May I suggest Panda3D ( It is free as in freedom, feature-rich and supports Python and C++. Unity is a monster, benign and powerful :) However, it is up to you.
I checked out Panda3D today (well, tried to). There was no prebuilt package for Debian Wheezy, so I had to build it myself. After some hair-pulling with some of its dependencies (and needing to checkout the latest code from CVS), managed to get it to compile. The installation seemed to work, but the sample programs (from the 1.8.1 SDK) complain about not being able to import the Panda3D modules.
So that was quite frustrating. Tomorrow I will double check the installation step, and try to find the latest sample programs (which are not in the CVS repository, and the docs don't say where they are). I want to see how well it does real-time lighting, and whether indoor type levels will be feasible.
Panda3D looks good and I will be happy man programming in C++.
@andrewj, sorry to hear that. Windows version works like a charm. The set of example programs is good, documentation is decent. Anyway, there are other game engines (irrLicht, ogre3D) and you are free to choose.
another option would be to continue the Moonshades game:
Yeah, it is a nice project, has more features than required :) I wish it was not browser based. But I personally have not objections if people make a game based on that, cutting down some features.
I liked that game, too bad it took long to find how to attack, two of my buddies got killed :(. But I feel like a well defined limited game will fit better in 6 month requirement.
Today I got Panda3d installation to work, but most of the samples are messed up (broken models, as if quads were drawn only as triangles, leaving big holes) and the text is gibberish (except strangely on the Teapot sample). The interesting stuff, like Shadows or Bump-mapping, are just showing a blank gray screen, with a line of text at the bottom which is unreadable (perhaps an error message?)
So I give up on Panda3d now. Feels like it is mainly for Windows operating system, and other OS is the poor cousin. Might be some sour grapes too :-)
For this dungeon game, I don't know what to suggest. I personally do not want to work on a browser based game. Is the Blender Game Engine a possibility? (I have no experience with it at all)
My experience: too slow, unless you optimize it insanely. I gave up on BGE, except for quick prototyping.
What about irrLicht? Ogre3D? (I tried the former -- seemed decent).
Yeah, forget about the BGE. Nice for prototyping, but nothing for building a foundation for a longer term project (which seems to be part of the goal here).
@Andrewj: have you looked at the code fron jClassic RPG? That one seems very close to what is needed already, however the rendering engine is not supported any longer. Maybe it could be replaced with jMonkey 3d?
Are you completely set on grid based movement? I'm considering taking a crack at this with Unity/C#. Also, for a first pass is a static dungeon (the same map each time) okay?
Here is the thing: if I give up one thing per request, soon there will be nothing left. Joking aside, yeah, let us keep the set of requirements fixed. :)) There will be no "first pass", as soon as a team of people assembles, I will provide the resources and in a six month the team will come up with a small full-featured game. But as for the same dungeon every time -- its fine. It does not have to be random maps.
@Julius: I will take a closer look at jClassicRPG soon, though I know it has been around for quite a long time, more than several years, and I wonder if the graphics are a good enough standard for this project (yd's textures with normal and specular maps require an engine which does per-pixel lighting). Also replacing the 3D engine it uses would be major surgery -- I wouldn't attempt it without a good knowledge of the new engine (which I don't have).
OK, I want to seriously suggest using the Darkplaces engine (a quake engine used by Nexuiz / Xonotic). The renderer is very good and can do It real-time lighting. It may take a bit of work to do inventory type stuff, but I think that will be fairly straightforward (for me) because I have a lot of experience with quake engines.
If using Darkplaces is acceptable, then you can count me in as the programmer for this project :-)
I have no preference for the game engine. Darkplaces is as good as any other. So I will count you in, thank you.
Ok cool :)
I will start getting better acquainted with Darkplaces and see how to implement a game like this. We can use OpenQuartz to get a set of bare minimal resources to allow the engine to run ("bootstrap it").
Ok darkplaces is also cool.
Talk to the guy behind the recently abandoned Scout's Journey ( or for his client side QuakeC based inventory code, he shared a gitorious link before, but seems to have deleted his account now. Never the less he is probably willing to share the source and it should run on Darkplaces similarly to FTE.
This could also give some good hints, but the source isn't clearly licensed:
For medival style stuff you your also look at some of this:
Sounds good, let me know when you are ready to start and I will provide the link to the resources.
@Julius: thanks for the links, will take a look (already downloaded the Hunted Chronicles)
@yd: I am ready to start, but I am also hoping that other people will come and participate in this project. So, do we wait a bit, or starting making something and hope other people will get interested when there is something to show?
Yeah, lets wait a bit and see. I too hope more people will join.
I have been working on setting up a repository containing very minimal QC code + very minimal assets for running Darkplaces. I will post the link soon, I still need to make a very basic menu and test it under Windows.
First snapshot package:
The map file is an OBJ model, which should make it easy to construct the map (algorithmically or by hand), though performance may become an issue if maps become large.
The github repository is here:
Now I will work on showing a cursor when a map is loaded, and ability for that cursor to hover over an object and can show a description about it. (Will check out those other darkplaces games too)
Oh, that looks nice. Its a good start, andrewj.
Hmm, by the way (and quite OT) but what ever happend to the DP based Tomes of Mephistopheles?
I think it was abandoned and maybe Motorsep could be convinced to liberate the code and/or assets now?
Edit: got a quick reply from him that the quakeC code wasn't available to him (legal issues) and the art was still planned for another game in the future. Too bad...
That is a nice looking project, too bad it is not being developed any longer. As for the art not available -- quite an expected situation.
Little update : I have been working on the inventory system, and ability to drag-n-drop objects to and from the inventory. It is surprisingly difficult, but I like a challenge :-). I will make another snapshot soon with this feature working.
@yd - if you need incidental objects, furniture, props and such, let me know. I like making the boring items that fill the rooms.
"Dammit Jim, I'm an artist, not a software engineer."
Hi ulf, I can't speak for yd but I certainly welcome more contributors to this project. Your stuff already on OGA looks very nice.
OK, here is the second snapshot of the game. The main new feature is ability to pickup and drop objects (with drag-n-drop), and apply the key to a lock to open a door. Note that all artwork in this is place-holder stuff, excepts perhaps the mouse pointer.
Download link:
Repository link:
List of Changes:
@ulf, thanks, I guess if the whole projects progresses normally your help will definitely be needed. Right now, if you want to help out you can team up with andrewj and help him getting the existing models (I will provide the link) into the Darkplaces engine.
I can also do additional models. I am good with man made objects.
@ulf and @cemkalyoncu: I sent you the link to the resources (it is a single *.blend file with everything packed, plus some extra stuff. If you explore the archive you will figure it out). There is an example Tiled file and the python script in *blend file that allows you to draw dungeons in Tiled and generate them as a blender model. I guess that may be useful as is or adapted).
So, officially the project has started as of today with the following participants:
1. andrewj
2. ulf
3. cemkalyoncu
The game is supposed to be completed by the April 18th of 2015.
PS. It seems to me at some point the team will need someone who can handle all the sound/music part of the game and someone who is good with the level design.