small graphics designer wanted, to make some graphics for me.
small graphics designer wanted, to make some graphics for me.
Monday, October 13, 2014 - 05:50
Hello everyone:
I have been developing softwear and programming since i was 13 so around 4 years now, i have recently started my new game engine rebuild where i am adding alot of fuctions.
I am wanting someone that i can can do me some graphics. I am making an rpg game, So there will be a large list of graphics needed. so if you are interested please contact me on my email, to letme know
A few questions you need to answer before your request will be taken seriously:
It looks like you haven't read this first You are asking other people to do things for you, presumably without compensation. You need to make your resource request worth caring about.
Stay a while and listen.
I have done level classes and basic rendering algorthms, asllowing for movemet around maps, rending of entitites, object and more.
I am probably going to restart the gameengine project with LWJGL, so i can add the ability for lighting and more, alot easier.
The list will be around:
A couple of buildings, some basic tiles, grass dirt and road, and some 'objects' so things such as fountains, tree's maybe a few other's
The reason i am making my own is personlly becuse i dont like using pre-made engines, i like the feel of coding it all from scratch makes me feel like i have achieved alot more. also allows me to design algorithms and more, and implement it in a way i find easier.
I have done level classes and basic rendering algorthms, asllowing for movemet around maps, rending of entitites, object and more.
I am probably going to restart the gameengine project with LWJGL, so i can add the ability for lighting and more, alot easier.
The list will be around:
A couple of buildings, some basic tiles, grass dirt and road, and some 'objects' so things such as fountains, tree's maybe a few other's
The reason i am making my own is personlly becuse i dont like using pre-made engines, i like the feel of coding it all from scratch makes me feel like i have achieved alot more. also allows me to design algorithms and more, and implement it in a way i find easier.
Ok cool. I'm not crazy about using pre-made engines either, and I know what you mean by liking to do stuff yourself.
Need to keep the artists point of view in mind though. They want to be sure that the things they create aren't going towards some project that will get mothballed after they have invested many hours into it, and then probably end up dumping an incomplete asset pack here on OGA that will be of limited use to anyone else.
Look around, there are loads of submissions that are from failed projects.
I know it sounds like I'm nagging, but I'm doing you a favour by not saying nothing. A lot of artists will decide if they want to help you very quickly based on how you have presented your request.
In general, before any piece of code is written, you should have a solid GDD made that will guide the whole project.
Stay a while and listen.
I understand thanks for the help should of read it first to be honest bad on my part.
I have classes and how im going to do everything planned out, for a pure java engine. and everything i will need, GUI for level designer too. Just dont have story planned out yet, all i know is its gonna be an rpg, and it will be exploration heavy.
Might have a look, can you guide me to any nice asset packs on the site, i can use?
I understand thanks for the help should of read it first to be honest bad on my part.
I have classes and how im going to do everything planned out, for a pure java engine. and everything i will need, GUI for level designer too. Just dont have story planned out yet, all i know is its gonna be an rpg, and it will be exploration heavy.
Might have a look, can you guide me to any nice asset packs on the site, i can use?
Depends what you are looking for. There is a lot of stuff available to sift through to get an idea of what you might want in your game and what is currently popular. Some artists are known for certain styles.
I have to point you to this though. Great tileset for maps.
Stay a while and listen.
That's perfect for what i wanted, thanks :3.
Going to implement a tiled, loader inside of the engine so that it will load levels made in tiled, then it saves me time making my own level designer :)
That's perfect for what i wanted, thanks :3.
Going to implement a tiled, loader inside of the engine so that it will load levels made in tiled, then it saves me time making my own level designer :)
It seems you have a nasty case of double-postitis.
If you have trouble parsing the tilemap data, here are some things I found helpful.
I found it when I used to mess around with SFML & C++, and it made my life so much easier. Just a pointer if you don't feel like completely reinventing a wheel.
Stay a while and listen.
I didnt even realise that whoops, forum seems to be double posting it :3,
As for the map loaders, ive half written it already, and i use java too. So unfortunatly it wont work :/.
It did it again, don't know whats doing it :/
How small should the graphic designer be? :D
Forgive me, I just couldn't resist. lol
"Dammit Jim, I'm an artist, not a software engineer."
Aha thats funny :3. actually just made my afternoon :3