Looking for 2d Artist (retro metroidvania style)
Looking for 2d Artist (retro metroidvania style)
Hi everyone.
I'm Wallack, I'm a spaniard currently living in Ireland and I came across this forum to try to look for a 2d artist. Sorry if my english isn't perfect :)
I want to build a metroidvania a-like game. Mixing stuff from different games but not trying to re-invent the wheel. I just want to make a game that I'd enjoy playing.
Basically the game would be fantasy themed and the character would wear different armors like Arthur from ghost n goblins.
I'm not an artist but a programmer, so even if I want the art to be retro inspired (16 bit-esque) that could be easier to do, I would require an enormous amount of time for me to do it.
I'm looking for a 2d artist that could give me budget for desigining the main character. Don't want to go with scenarios and levels yet because that would be really expensive and that's easier for me to make (at least I think so).
The game will be free so I cannot offer a partnership based on 50-50. Although I could, but the benefit would be none.
So if any of you would be willing to give me an estimate or point me to the right direction, that'd be great.
Thank you for your time and regards!!
Hello at the moment I'm not really 16bit assets artist and my skills are pretty limited right now. But could you tell more. Maybe which time era the time should be. Do you have something you could show, maybe a small game you already finished.
The problem is, we or I, in that case, create assets for your and stuff like character design without knowing if your project would every really exists.
dA: bloodywing : Twitter: @bloodywing - Find me in #opengameart
Hi bloodywing, that's why I'm talking about paying if neccesary.
I have a simple game finished: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.Watchtower.ChickenRescue
And I'm currently working on this one: http://wallack.es/zombies/8 arrows to move left and right, A to jump (double jump also) and S to fire. I bought the assets and is will be a endless runner with "random" scenarios and three characters to choose. Also there will be 8 different zombies.
I'm looking something like this: http://img3.goodfon.su/original/1768x948/7/d0/art-zamok-igra-uroven-ryca... (the character from the right, with the red cape, with maybe the helm of the second guy, the one with the green cape). This is a quick transformation I did: http://imgur.com/ogOR5pl
I'm looking for 3 versions: leather armor, silver plate armor, golden plate armor with red cape. If that's too much I would go with leather and silver plate armor and I'll make the golden myself doing a recolor of the silver one.
The animations I thought of are:
Attack front
Attack top
Attack bottom
Escalate a ladder
The idea is to call the game something like magic sword and by attacking (a normal slash) he'll send something like a bullet, a fire ... magic, whatever (won't require to do those animations, just the char). So I mean that attack front is an horizontal attack while attack up and bottom are both vertical attacks. In the line of ghost n goblins in terms of attack.
As I said I'm willing to pay or to offer whatever I can offer.
If you have any question feel free to ask.
Thanks for your post.