3 ways to help add high-quality art to OGA

3 ways to help add high-quality art to OGA

Clint Bellanger's picture

There already exists a wealth of quality, open-licensed game art that could be uploaded and archived here at OpenGameArt.  Getting it all together requires a lot of effort,

But everyone can help in some way!


#1. Find Projects!

There are countless obscure game projects with excellent art.  Tell us about them!  In this thread, post links to open-licensed (generally GPL or CC) game projects with good art.  If possible, also find the contact information for the project lead or the lead artist.


#2. Contact People!

It's nice to ask permission, even when the license permits us to upload an entire archive to OGA.  Also, some artists might dig the idea of OpenGameArt and release their art if given the opportunity.  Ask project leads, lead artists, and your favorite artists.


#3. Uploading Files

Once we have permission and we've verified the licenses are good to go, we need volunteers with time to gather these resources and upload them to OGA.  Packing art, using quality meta-data, and finding good previews take time.  If you have time and want to help OGA, this is a great way.


I will monitor this thread and keep a list of projects with good art, along with contact info and upload status.  If you want to help in any of the above ways, please jump in!