WANTED: 2D Artist For 2D Vector Based RPG Characters (no animations)(example inside)(i will pay)
WANTED: 2D Artist For 2D Vector Based RPG Characters (no animations)(example inside)(i will pay)
Wednesday, October 1, 2014 - 13:55
i am currently working on a 2D RPG game but i need some characters (i will pay)
what i need:
Vector Based
No Animations (only single sprite i need)
the character look at 45 degree when u are 90 degree (just like the example below ) [sry for bad explination xD]
pretty much like the example
this an example of what i want
i will need about 30 Characters if you can do them
here some characters of what i need:
Shiled User
Black Knight
Pm me here or at Shnayzr@gmail.com
Thank you very much
Still need an artist? Here's my portfolio http://flashgameartist4hire.deviantart.com/
Contact me at arkitektosathan@gmail.com
Hello Mate, I am interested in your comission, please check my gallery, http://vancamelot.deviantart.com/gallery/
Please let me know if you need further information, greetings and Keeping touch!!!