Boss Ships
Boss Ships
These graphics were used for the Regular and Damaged versions of the bosses in my game on the Apple Store: Serpentarius. They will be discontinued in the newer version coming soon. As such I am releasing them into the wild for anyone else to use as they wish. They were created using Skorpio's parts (cc-by-sa 3.0) and As such, the credit goes to them.
I did some light editing in GIMP, adjusting colors and such. Those GIMP files are not available, only the final products. Ive uploaded some of the graphics as samples, the ones in the chart are at a lower quality level than the actual product, the singles being actual quality, and the rest are in the ZIP.

As beautiful as this art is, I'm scared of using cc-by-sa 3.0 stuff because I don't want my whole games released under cc-by-sa 3.0. This because it's very unclear what's meant by the Share Alike part of the license. It's explained here:
I'm always VERY cautious with using graphics. I ONLY use cc-by and CC0 stuff. I'm no lawyer, but I believe the license of the original art of Skorpio imposes you to release this under cc-by-sa 3.0. I'm not sure, but it may even mean your whole game should be released under cc-by-sa 3.0.
From what I gather, the CC-by-sa 3.0 share alike only pertains to the source material and transformations upon it directly. So in the case of these graphics, only they themselves or if anybody mods them, then those mods as well, must be released under the same license. Any other material you make for a game or the game itself is yours to with as that other materials' licensing dictates or as you see fit if its your own original material.
If any one else has other thoughts on this feel free to comment if I'm wrong on this.