Weekly Challenge: Fifteen Minutes (due Nov 15, 2010)
Weekly Challenge: Fifteen Minutes (due Nov 15, 2010)
This week's challenge is "Fifteen Minutes". Specifically: can you create quality art in a very short deadline?
Plan ahead as much as you want mentally, but the moment you commit one pixel, line, poly, note, etc. the clock begins.
Some types of art will be harder to do in 15 minutes, so choose your scope carefully!
- Tag your entries: Weekly Challenge, Fifteen Minutes
- Entries are due on Nov 15, 2010
15 minutes go by faster than you'd think! I barely had enough time for these stairs-up:
Nice idea, and nice model for just 15 minutes!
My entry: is just an addition to an existing entry. I created another pixeled spaceship http://opengameart.org/content/spaceship-set-32x32px
enemy_4.png (took exactly 15 minutes to create)
Great occasion to give alchemy another try, after watching this great video from the sintel-guy. Thanks to whoever posted it in the forums here!
I planned to do 5-10 nice sketches of various things....
The variety is the only goal I was able to achieve ;-)
Let me guess, recycling textures for 3d models is not allowed? In that case, I'll have to go for something that doesn't require textures.
My entry.
Some of the seams are off and I would love to fix it, but that would infringe upon the fifteen minute rule...
What can I do?
I fixed the hydrant... Am I allowed to change it, or would I be disqualified?
(I just fixed the nasty seams)
mrpoly, I would upload the 15-minute version and the completed/fixed version on the same entry, and explain which is which so voters will know. I guess that goes for anyone who wants to go in and finish/clean up their entries.
This is not an official entry. I tried to do it in 15 minutes, but it ended up taking 45. :)
Requires the QML Viewer to run. You can find it in the Qt SDK for your platform.
dunno if two entries are allowed, but...
http://opengameart.org/content/castle-15-minutes <-- My entry. Time really flies while modelling.
Time flies indeed: http://opengameart.org/content/high-poly-church-bell
Ten entries!
Winner is determined by how many people click "Add to Favorites"!
When are the winners announced? I'd like to upload a better preview picture but it'd be unfair to do so when people are still voting.
I tabulate the votes on Fridays when possible
Great work Brandon75689 for another win!
I actually wanted to win this one more then the Halloween one. :P
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/OpenGameArt
If you guys need any help on projects email me atBrandonmorris12@gmail.com. Pay is not mandatory and Im open.