Need prototype animations for third-person Unity game.

Need prototype animations for third-person Unity game.

Okay, I've been trying to avoid having to do this, but unfortunately, I'm more or less at my wit's end with this. I can't really do animation myself, but the actual game I'm trying to do isn't terribly ambitious. I have managed to scrounge together various animations from various places, including the Unity asset store, but I don't really need much to get what I really need, and the paid stuff on the asset store doesn't really suit my needs anyway.

Alright, here's the details of what I'm doing, and what I need:

  • My project, currently named "Strike Fighter Idyal", is a third-person game split into two parts - first part is a Star Fox-style space shooter (both on-rails and free-flying), the second being third-person action similar to Kid Icarus Uprising (with weapons capable of both ranged and melee attacks), but injected with a bit of classic shooter design and a bit of Prince of Persia: Sands of Time in terms of movement. Setting-wise, think "Mass Effect meets Lyrical Nanoha".
  • The project is currently in the prototyping stage, but I'm mainly hit a roadblock for the ground action due to limited animation assets. I don't need animations for the flying bits, that's not neccessary, thankfully.
  • I'm more than happy to pay for the job in a lump sum, that can be negociated.
  • As well, I'm more than happy for the animations made to also be released as copyright-free assets for anyone to use. Considering what I'm using them for, and that they might be replaced further down the line after I get a full-time artist to help me out (probably after a kickstarter), I feel it'd be wrong of me not to give back to the community in some way.

I don't need a specialized model and rig, but rather I just need animations done with a mecanim-compatible rig that work well enough for any mecanim-compatible rig and can easily be retargeted. This model is a good example.

Animations I already have (though not neccessarily good-looking, but still): Idle, walking, jumping, falling, 8-directional strafing, sprinting, crouching, crouch walk, forward dodge, unarmed melee attacks.

What I'm currently missing (the weapon in this case is a gun/sword hybrid that projects a blade when needed, like the blade weapon type in Uprising):

  • One-handed weapon aiming (neutral, upwards, and downwards, a blend tree can easily handle in-between)
  • Dash-firing (player leaps/rolls in a particular direction while firing, forward, sides, and back)
  • Melee combo (three-hit standing combo)
  • Melee dash strike (strikes while leaping forward)
  • Side evasion dash (left and right)
  • Backwards evasion dash
  • Wall run (both up and along a wall, think Prince of Persia)
  • Wall jump (from a wall run)

 Keep in mind that I don't need a model or a rig, I just need animations. A model would be appreciated, but that's a seperate request altogether, and unfortunately, not something I could release to the public domain. That being said, the creation of additional assets by anyone who wants to do them is certainly negociable. The above list is pretty much what I really need at the moment.