Thursday, November 11, 2010 - 08:32
It seems there is no osare read only the only way to checkout with the trunk
I don't think this is intended
It seems there is no osare read only the only way to checkout with the trunk
I don't think this is intended
With Google Code you can do this:
svn checkout osare-read-only
If someone knows a way to set this up differently, let me know. E.g. most people just want to download the /trunk/src and /trunk/resources folders.
Turtlesvn doesn't seem to checkout withe osare-read-only
Double post,please delete!
In tortoiseSVN, you should go in an empty folder, rightclick -> checkout and there give the "" address. Have you tried that?
Is there a compile guide somewhere, or do I need to figure it out myself?
johndh, there's a README.txt in the src folder.
It's kinda bare-bones so if you get stuck lemme know.