2D Freerome MMORPG
2D Freerome MMORPG
Tuesday, January 6, 2015 - 14:38
I am looking for someone to help with a project i am currently working on. For the past few month i have been designing a freerome MMORPG that i am going to submit to steam greenlight but i need a artists help. I am in all respects terrible at drawing and requite assistance with creatinga tileset, players, etities and items! Once the game has gained footing and is avalable to play i am willing to split any commision we get from the game for our efforts (My programing and your Artwork). Here are some screenshots of the game and the link to JGO where i explain in more detail the technical specs of the game.
JGO Link: http://www.java-gaming.org/topics/iconified/35090/view.html
Got to say, choosing a username like yours will likely put off some people from wanting to work with you when they see it. It might just be a username on some internet forum, but it is your representation on the internet and how others will percieve you.
I've looked at the project on JGO and it seems promising. The 'No one would want to walk that far' comments being made I can understand, but I wouldn't think too much of them. The thing is I can't think of any other completed game that does this, so if you manage to get the game to a 'Release' state, you will have a good USP to use for attracting players (and artists) to the world itself.
But to get a better idea of what those people are saying, I challenge you to play Realm of the Mad God, and do a whole lap around any of the maps. Even with the randomly generated events/quests and such that you will run into, you will get an idea of how quickly doing the same thing gets boring.
A note about some of the planned features. There must be design considerations for every piece of gameplay you add. If you just throw stuff in there 'Coz it sounds cool', you will end up with a Frankenstein's monster of a game. If creating these kinds of games is what you really want to do, and to more of a professional standard, I would strongly recommend reading Designing Virtual Worlds by Richard Bartle (the guy who essentially created the genre we now know as MMO), it is essential reading on this subject.
I don't see a GDD for the project anywhere, which is a requirement for any project I work on, whether it is my own or another's. "By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail." ~Benjamin Franklin
A lot of artists who are willing to do anything for free will want to be sure their hard work won't end up in the bin due to a mothballed project. Provide more proof and assurance the project will reach fruition and you will attract queues of artists wanting to help out.
Stay a while and listen.
There is nothign wrong with my username? .....ohh you thought it said condom...no no silly goose, and for the comments on JGO i adressed them in other posts.
The quests wont be based on typicle, "Go here do this", i am working very hard to make....well esentialy a story generator that interlocks with the diffrent areas of the game. currently it is able to make basic quests but i have only just started.
Lastly, about the map size, if i am making a game with infinate posobilitys, quests etc, why should i limit the map size? sure the map is 1559.6x the size of earth, but i am not going to be like other games where i limit the size, (because of server hardware issues), piff i can and will make my game run smoothly, look and feel nice, with or without peoples help, but with a artists help it would shave weeks of its development.
Hi! well i like you're username, it tells me you have some humor. I'm a self taught concept artist and animator, And recently i've fallen in love with pixel art. My main plan was to make a sidescrolling game, inspired by Amiga games like another world and flashback (favorites of mine). I'm learning to use unity(i cant code for s...), but i do have a basic understanding of how things work and to put them together. we'll enough rambling... the point is that i'm really not getting anywhere, and i am tired doing art and animation with no real purpose.
And then i saw, that you needed and artist, and maybe art direction for you're game. I like the premise of the game, but i really think it could use it's own art style. I'm really not into the whole jrpg manga style, as i think it's boring and really overused. I would love doing some concepts on some ideas i have, and send them to you. so if you're interested leave a comment here.
I'll leave you with a small gif i just made!
Hey man, thanks for the reply, all textures in the game currently are only temporery and the player was just a stock sprite i downloaded online. Now when it comes to the art direction of the game, i was looking for 16 bit retro feel for the backdrop with a 32 bit sprite (could be changed in the future),and as the art is developed for the game then i can design the random quest lib to complment the feel of the game.
The team currently is, wel mainly me :D i have been working on the core of the game for 3 month now and am not only working on getting a good looking retro game finished, but also in getting the freeness to explore a infanate world with your friends and meet new random npc's, and in essence just leave your mark on the game!
The main features of the game is;
* Is multiplayer but requires very low internet speed so anyone can use it.
* Can run on computers that dont have very good specs.
* Random world generation (Done), Random Quests (in progress) , Mobs (Done), Npc's (Done), VOIP (in progress), Random items in game that adjust to the location it was descoverd, for example "God sword of the USA" (In progress), Random dungons with old school secret walls ;) (Not started)
if your intrested in the project and if you have skype drop me a message ,@mythirdleg35 (another silly username :p) and also drop your username of too so i can accept!