HELP -I've Just Registered On The Most Un User Friendly Site On The Net
HELP -I've Just Registered On The Most Un User Friendly Site On The Net
Tuesday, January 13, 2015 - 08:43
HELP -I've Just Registered On The Most Un User Friendly Site On The Net Wow guys who built this site? Please get a grip and make it user friendly.
What? you cant read either.
Landed on this site and found it hard to navigate around .
Writing an inane post with broken grammar and then insulting someone when it confuses them is pretty bad form, bluenose10. I thought you were probably a spambot before I read your reply, and I'm still not 100% sure. If you want to get a meaningful reply you'll need to be more specific about what you're having trouble with.
The site has always been pretty easy to use in my experience.
The username and name in the profile of this new poster match up in Google with someone pushing fat loss, erectile dysfunction treatment and bitcoin generating tips via throwaway websites and YouTube videos, so I don't put much stock in his opinions about this site.
I've always thought this site is pretty awesome, I find it extremely intuitive and user friendly.
I think the creator of this site did a fantastic job, and I am very grateful for his efforts.
Since you don't feel the same way, maybe there is a flaw somewhere?
I am curious as to what makes you post such a statement. How about some constructive criticism?
I get the feeling I am just feeding a troll.....
Redshrike my grammer was down to my wireless keyboard not working fixed now.
danorder hopefully you are in the UK and you can repeat your comment to my face ?
Mr Wortman i will answer your question sir as you seem to be of good intelligence, i was searching google for graphics for my apps, somewhere along the line i clicked on the link to this site. Im a member of alot of forums online but could not workout what was going on here, yes graphics free or do we pay. First thing i did was click on popular this week Space merc tab and the first comment on their is a comment from another lost soul.
Who do i put in the credits if i use this ?
So back to the front page looking for some sort of introduction to what this site is but theres nothing, is it a forum ,social media site ,selling site, free graphics site, share and swop site ?
But this couldnt be missed
Support on Patreon!
Read about the funding drive or go right to Patreon.
Final goal: $2000/month
Current goal: Better Content Curation ($1000/month) on Patreon!
Redshrike my grammer was down to my wireless keyboard not working fixed now.
danorder hopefully you are in the UK and you can repeat your comment to my face ?
Mr Wortman i will answer your question sir as you seem to be of good intelligence, i was searching google for graphics for my apps, somewhere along the line i clicked on the link to this site. Im a member of alot of forums online but could not workout what was going on here, yes graphics free or do we pay. First thing i did was click on popular this week Space merc tab and the first comment on their is a comment from another lost soul.
Who do i put in the credits if i use this ?
So back to the front page looking for some sort of introduction to what this site is but theres nothing, is it a forum ,social media site ,selling site, free graphics site, share and swop site ?
But this couldnt be missed
Support on Patreon!
Read about the funding drive or go right to Patreon.
Final goal: $2000/month
Current goal: Better Content Curation ($1000/month) on Patreon!
So you say that the first thing you saw when you got to this site was a comment on the Space Merc art asking how the artist wanted to be credited and clicked around and got more confused and then posted this thread? Strange, you started this thread on January 13th, three full days before the Space Merc art was uploaded on January 16th...
But thanks at least for reminding me to donate to the site. It might help offset some of the irrational negativity you are throwing around here.
While your donating , find somewhere to explain whats going on here.
If you really like this site you shouldnt need reminding to donate.
This site is pretty user friendly and not hard to use at all, community is great and its still being improved. Donating isnt a requirement is any way at all and is something you can do for the worst or bes thing. just up to the person. if you just registered then of course you dont know everything about the site and its goals. and yes @PaulWortmann it does feel like feeding a troll. its not so good to just go to random sites on the internet, be on it for a few minutes then just hate it when you dont know what its about.
Really glad everyone is open to constructive criticism.
“To avoid criticism say nothing, do nothing, be nothing.”
― Aristotle
Please don't stop trolling, this discussion is hilarious! Best part yet:
"danorder hopefully you are in the UK and you can repeat your comment to my face ?"
What's that supposed to mean? Is it supposed to be a threat of some kind? On the INTERNETS??? Oh my...
Anyway I'll answer some questions:
This site has free game art with differet licenses. You need to check the license for any piece of art you consider using. Regarding the space merc art assets Surt has commented that you should just credit Surt. Couldn't be more simple...
If the artist has not specified how they want to be credited then I think you can safely assume that you can credit their user name. If it's a large project I would personally PM the artist to check with them but maybe that's just me.
I always thougt this site was pretty easy to Navigate around and figure out whats going on.
and most important, out of all the forums Im on, when you ask a question the first two answers dont seem to be:
"search the forum" and "google is your firend"
I'm going to lock this thread, because it doesn't seem to be going anywhere productive. bluenose10, I'm open to comments and suggestions about site usability, but this isn't the right forum for the topic, and being vague isn't the right way to go about reporting issues.
Please post specific issues on the feedback forum.