What 3d engine would suit the game I'm designing?
What 3d engine would suit the game I'm designing?
Game: Rpg 12 regions, over 1,000 screens of graphics. big outdoors game, 2d 3d isometrical view. Don't know which engine will suit it, because I have to know which engine can meet the requirements of the game can't just use any old engine.
I looked at Reality factory, Genesis Engine, layout is a little bit confusing. And also looked at Adventure Maker, now that DId let me link my bitmap screens up but the basic edition will not allow me to script in my own pawns. That Engine had a simple easy layout.
Batch did allow me to move about screen by screen in the game and script the battle scenes so I could see what the game was going to be like. when screens are all linked up... But batch is not 3d interactive. .But it should be possible to turn my batch code into other language code. I don't know how to make the batch game become 3d interactive since batch dosen't even have a 3d game engine. So i can't have moving sprites and 3d models and a scrolling game terrain to walk around in unless someone makes a breakthrough to allow it to be done in a batch file. I need one that can tile 1,000 screens but tile them gradually as the player moves from sector to sector through the regions, (seamless backloading) use distant fog to hide the rendering. ect........
So guys, What game engine out of the very many that are avaliable on the internet can handle a massive 12 region game?
Off hand I would say Unity 3d or UDK
but arnt you kinda asking for the holy grail there?
an engine that never seems to load, because it does it behind the scenes, because an engine that runs seemless like that would make the game run like real life,
I expected a game engine to beable to take 1,000 or more screens or a 12 region game if the screens are backloaded in to only render and spool in slowly. So the player walks around the area like real life and the area just continually scrolls while the screens load slowly in from the seamless load trigger points once the player reaches the trigger point them the game loads the next section in.
The other thing I wanted to see if it would work as well if I do get the right 3d engine for this type of game, was to cause the FOV (Field of Vision) to have actors at random appearng to walk in and out around the player's Field of Vision View in certain areas, to give the impression that the level is filled with thousands of busy scripted actor pawns
The same is done with Sounds as well. Now these things I cannot do in a batch file.... There's no sound dropoff triggers in batch files, or random spawn Fov's because there's no sprite movement in Batch. z
It's me again.
I'm still having a hard time imagining what your game is like, or what you want it to be like. Examples of games with the features that you are looking for will help a lot.
What is "2d 3d isometrical view" supposed to mean? From what I gather, your game only uses 2D renderings of 3D models for characters, not actual 3D models themselves in the game as such.
The thing about having each 'screen' load dynamically as you move around to different areas is a simple process in terms of programming, and any good engine should be capable of doing this IMO. Still unsure if you mean that when the player reaches the screen boundaries the next screen will then load, or if you want the player to always be around the middle of the screen and new areas will scroll in from the edge of the screen when the player moves.
An example of the first type of 'scrolling' would be http://browserquest.mozilla.org/ with new areas loaded when needed. Runescape uses something like the second type of scrolling, as surrounding areas are loaded before the player gets there to allow smooth transition between places.
Stay a while and listen.
What a cutesy little game, Browserquest, But yes Because my game is written in batch yes it uses 2d renderings of a few 3d models.
But yes I do mean Smooth Transition Scrolling, New areas will scroll in from the edge of the screen when the player moves in the middle. Morrowind had this effect it was a 20 square mile or so terrain and the land just scrolled continually that's the type of scrolling I'm looking for in a game engine but that will allow me to put together all my screens so they can be scrolled around like one big smooth terrain like Morrowind or Sacred II are the best examples I can think of.
The Adventure Maker engine (free edition) did allow me to put my screens all together but not allow me to scroll my screens for smooth transition and supported Browserquests scroll method instead (scroll one screen across at a time when the player reaches the edge of the screen boundaries) instead of smooth transition scrolling with the player walking around in the middle.
If not possible for my type of game to have smooth transtion scrolling for all my screens using a 3d engine with 3d models because of the size contraints, then I wonder how they managed to do it with games like Sacred II and Morrowind and Skyrim have these huge 20 mile outdoor game terrains with all the 3d models in them.....
It is possible. How easy it will be to do and how well it will perform are what you will be needing to keep in mind.
Are you trying to remake the batch game in a game engine (or framework/API), like how it looks in the screenshots you posted in your other thread? Or are you trying to make a new game based on your old one that is fully 3D, i.e. you can walk around, look around, 3D environments, hills etc., like Sacred 2 and Morrowind?
I get the feeling we have different ideas of what '3D' in this context means.
Either way you can create a '2D' game with a 3D game engine, but not the other way around. I would also say Unity and UDK are good choices. There is a lot to learn about them to get started, but they are well documented and have active communities.
Stay a while and listen.
Somethings wrong with this rich text editor... It is possible. How easy it will be to do and how well it will perform are what you will be needing to keep in mind.
My answer: "That's true... keep within the engine's limits' I learnt that with the Red Faction's Red Editor when designing my own levels. But not all game engines have documentation listing all the limits or the boundaries of the engine, like max number of faces, max number of lights you can have on a face, max number of objects you can have rendered, half of these Indie engines give you the tools to design your own maps with the pre fabricated samples, but don't even explain the limits very well. and you really need to know what the limitations are of the engine are so that when you start to map your game out in the engine, you won't break the engine or end up corrupting your map......"
Are you trying to remake the batch game in a game engine (or framework/API), like how it looks in the screenshots you posted in your other thread? Or are you trying to make a new game based on your old one that is fully 3D, i.e. you can walk around, look around, 3D environments, hills etc., like Sacred 2 and Morrowind? (My Answer: Well I prefer full 3D if possible, full interaction with the pawns... But if going for just a 3D makeover since I've done most of the graphic work, if I can turn those graphic screens I made into 3d meshes that the game engine can load in a bit at a time for the terrain. And the tool to do it with to turn 2d screens into 3d mesh terrrain would proabably have to be Blender. I think I would first have to turn my 2d gimp screens into inkscape vector graphics so Blender can then load the 2d vector into Blender and render 3d with it. So you will have a 3d flat square terrain but with raised 3d terrain on it. That would probably be the way to try to do it. Then you have to link the meshes together so they are all seamless when the pieces fit together.. Then the game engine just loads in the meshes in as 3d terrain a bit at a time when the player moves around. Because I would like to know how they did it with Morrowind and Sacred II the huge 3d environment, I;m not quite sure how they set it all up. I get the feeling we have different ideas of what '3D' in this context means.
Either way you can create a '2D' game with a 3D game engine, but not the other way around. I would also say Unity and UDK are good choices. There is a lot to learn about them to get started, but they are well documented and have active communities.
I set aside that 1,000 screen batch game for the time being, and it was fun doing it and started off a new project. Going to be a 3d combat rpg space game and uses a similar tree system to mass effect but is not the same game as mass effect so thee's no shephard or Asaris or anything like that. . Unreal is good, but can be unfriendly and awkward at times, Unity is also good engine but unfriendly very involved with code....
For the new Project, I started this one a little different.. I did write about the plot of the 2 missions in another thread on here. I've written all the game text dialog out for the first two missions and layed it over with the game characters. And the dialog also does have basic foley sounds now, As its a game dialog that has progressions also in it so the further you get into the game the more flags it uses to determine what progressions to do or what different events to show up as you're playing the game out.
I also added in half of the voice diaglog files in now to the text, all this has been done outside the Unreal engine to save me alot of time... So I can set up all the sound system of the game and test it and also the diaglog branches before I put it into the game engine to create the 3d world version of it.