2D Vector Artist Looking to Obtain a Portfolio
2D Vector Artist Looking to Obtain a Portfolio
Hello, I hate to steal thunder from the other guy who is offering free 2D art (and is the maker of my avatar at the time of writing, check him out if you like the style BTW, link here: http://opengameart.org/forumtopic/request-a-free-custom-made-character#c...), but I've been wanting to possibly do commissions on the side and I want to build up a portfolio. So if you want some vector art done for free, I'm your man until I deem my portfolio "meh, good enough"! Please note that I'm only really good at doing cartoony graphics, and am not much of a texturer. Other than that, I should be able to meet your requests.
I love that you want to improve your skills just like Alfalfamire. How about a candle? example: http://www.interactives.co.uk/images/candle-holder-r.jpg
Well, there's not a lot of details given, so I decided to draw it like it's for a 2D platformer, in the style of Kyle the Caiman, in both 64x64 (the tile size of Kyle the Caiman) and in 128x128 (the tile graphic size of Kyle the Caiman).
Feel free to request any changes (such as different artstyle, shading (which KTC's artstyle intentionally lacks), etc.).
Very nice and very quick. Some lighting effects might be fun to play with. Gradients or transparencies if you feel up to it. Otherwise good work.
Alright, added a slight glow to the flame, and some shading in the style of the old Kyle the Caiman (before I switched it out for the modern one). I only rendered out the 128x128 one this time though. Mind telling me which you like better?
I definitely like the second version more. The shading in particular just adds some nice dimension.
Maybe I need to switch the graphic style of Kyle the Caiman back to the beta version then... So, out of curiosity, what did you need the candle for, or was it just a random request, because if it's just a random request, I might consider expanding upon it by drawing a full tileset in my spare time.
Random request. Let me know if you make a full tileset I would like to see it.