Hawt Blue-on-Blue link action, or How do I Download?

Hawt Blue-on-Blue link action, or How do I Download?

FacadeGaikan's picture

According to http://opengameart.org/content/rpg-towntravel-or-credits-song people are having trouble figuring out how to download resources. I think it is time to change some things (CSS anyone). Either put some nice (not blue) buttons on the links or change the color of the links. Blue links with a blue background is like putting a halibut on a carp. Maybe bold, italic links wit a colour of #555555? Or a grey button background? I like the blue of the site, but other colors don't tend to work with it (unless they are greyscale). I don't want the BG color to change, but you could do some things to make the links stand out more as I don't like f-bombs about downloads peppering the comments. Thank you.