looking for ghostly animal images.
looking for ghostly animal images.
Friday, March 20, 2015 - 09:46
I'm about to move onto developing the next region in my rpg game which is going to be a haunted region filled with departed spirits,
Does anyone have any CCO or CC Transparent ghostly images handy, with tints of fluro blue, green, or red, mature life-like loooking,
Not the Cartoony type IO need ghostly spirit images, of any of the following, Wolf, Bird, Hawk, Orc, Desert man, Grizzly Bears, Wizard, Wormy,.Robbers,
Pirates.. Nasty looking Skulls, ghostly skeletons. I couldn't find much in the PD area of these things.
Some example maybe? are you talking about photomanipulation?
I draw for fun and I'm not looking for job.
I already have one ;)
I hink you're looking for something like this.
Made from http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d1/Jacob_Isaacksz._van_R... with CC-BY and http://affy-wolf.deviantart.com/art/Wolf-Cutie-Mark-306865932 with CC-BY (found by Google images with 'license filtering' & clipart).
GIMP -> create a layer for the wolf. Duplicate wolf. Create additional 100% opacity layer for eyes on the top. Make wolf 50% transparent. Make duplicate wolf "filters>edge detect>edge" and 50% transparent. Color>Colorize as needed.
I'm not sure if you'll be able to find a specific set of ghostly images. Better make those yourself.
Or something like this?
I used :
If free for non commercial use.
It's very quick manip as I don't really undestand what you want :) I uploaded pshotoshop file with layers named so you easily change what you need.
ps: It's not easily visible on preview but wolfs have 80% opacity.
I draw for fun and I'm not looking for job.
I already have one ;)