Requesting a simple female Link-esque character

Requesting a simple female Link-esque character

Kingdaro and I are making a game for the Female Link Jam! It's basically the combat of the 2D Zelda games turned into a simple arcade game. We're looking for some simple pixel art (specifically for Link) with a similar style to A Link to the Past (I'm not too picky about the style). The game is open source, and I have no problem with the sprite being made available for anyone else.

You can see the current progress of the game here:

You'd need to install some stuff to get it running, and it's not worth recording a YouTube video to show it off, but rest assured the game is making good progress (it's probably ~50% done already) and will be finished. The scope of the game is really small, so it won't be a problem.

Speaking of scope, this is the entire scope of the art I'm requesting. We need the following sprites/animations for a female version of Link:

  • 4 standing sprites (one for each cardinal direction)
  • A running animation in each direction
  • A sword swinging animation in each direction

We are not planning on increasing the scope of the game beyond this, and I understand that art can take a lot more work than a non-artist might think, so let me know how feasible this is. We can take care of the rest of art; Kingdaro has some art abilities and we're probably gonna use some stuff from OGA. Also, as far as copyright is concerned, we're not looking for an exact clone of Link. Since we want a female version of Link, there can definitely be some liberties taken with the character. If anyone can help us with this, it would be greatly appreciated! I don't usually make art requests, so let me know if there's anything else you'd like to know or any advice you'd like to give! Thanks!