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Flare 0.19 for Ubuntu?
Flare 0.19 for Ubuntu?
505 53RV3R3RR0R
Sunday, October 19, 2014 - 08:08
Does anyone have a download link for 0.19 for Ubuntu?
Please tell me right away!
Ubuntu 14.04 has Flare 0.19 in repository so you get that simple typing to terminal "sudo apt-get install flare".
If you have older Ubuntu for example 12.04 you need to compile it from source.
I have ubuntu 13.10. I tried that terminal command but it said a newer version was already installed. But the game says that I only have 0.18.
I could send you a modded version of Flare 0.19 for Ubuntu that has a few extra levels. Or do you want Flare 0.19 without any modifications?
I have made a new post that has a link to a Flare 0.19 download.
enable core mod to continue on Play Game button
how to enable it?
I have a serious pb, i want the latest vs flare 0.19 for ubuntu precise 12.04 (on old pc).
I cant compile.
i use this page :
i download the git, i try to make the step 2 and it says :
sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev
Lecture des listes de paquets... Fait
Construction de l'arbre des dépendances
Lecture des informations d'état... Fait
E: Impossible de trouver le paquet libsdl2-dev
E: Impossible de trouver le paquet libsdl2-image-dev
E: Impossible de trouver le paquet libsdl2-mixer-dev
E: Impossible de trouver le paquet libsdl2-ttf-dev
*E: impossible to find....
so how to get the Flare game for ubuntu precise 12.04 on old pc?
Atm i have flare 0.15, and its just awesome im lv6 mage =D
But miss the stash and portal to teleport, its for that i want to migrate to vs flare 0.19.
I try to build and do things to have the latest vs to play =/ but i understand nothing...ppl on forum talk for those who understand how to do it.....i cant do it, i cant compile because i understand nothing (even on french forum) on how to compil a software disapointed
Can you help me? Or im doomed?
Sorry Rem, it doesn't look like the SDL2 dev libraries were packaged for 12.04, even in backports.
There's a PPA someone set up for older Ubuntu versions, but I don't know if it installs the dev packages needed to compile. You can check it out here:
Here is a link to a the most recent version, more recent than 0.19. It is ready made, and should be run from flare.exe.
np, ty =D
I tried to install build essential on ubuntu 12.04 =/ and its doesnt work to build the Flare 019.
So i installed on a part the ubuntu 1004 and i update it until 1404 to get flare 019. My pc dont take it =/
But fortunately i got the grub20 and it gave me access to my ancient dual boot =D and i play Flare 019 on win xp =D
So now i have win xp to play flare 019, ubuntu 1204 to play flare 015, and ubuntu 1404 to do nothing with = useless
hope that i will find a mod to play with it, if any have idea (noname doesnt work on xp and flare 019)...
ty for your links.
Finally i got a zip from this link :
I unzipped it and put it in flare's mod files : doesnt worked, no portrait and when i tried to play i got a black screen. So i delete everything.
Is your zip work on win xp and Flare 0.19?
I made quite detail instructions how to compile Flare from master to Ubuntu 12.04. Good thing here is when there is update available you just need to fetch new version from repository and recompile it.
I made list where first is comment about what command does this starts with #. Other texts are commands that should copy pasted to terminal.
#Install compiler and make
sudo apt-get install cmake make g++
#Install dependencies for SDL2
sudo apt-get install libpng12-dev libjpeg-dev libtiff4-dev libflac++-dev libflac-dev libvorbis-dev
#Make the working directory and go working directoy
mkdir flare
cd flare
#Clone the game repository
git clone
#Clone the engine repository
git clone
#Cloning the repositories may take some time so you might either these do in
#another terminal or just keep waiting. While it is clone repositories
#you can compile SDL2.
# Get SDL2 2.0.3 TAR
#Decompress TAR
tar xvf SDL2-2.0.3.tar.gz
# Go to decompress folder
cd SDL2-2.0.3
#Configure your built system
# Compile SDL2 2.0.3
# Install it
sudo make install
# Go back to working dir
cd ..
# Get SDL2 Image
#Decompress TAR
tar xvf SDL2_image-2.0.0.tar.gz
# Go to decompress folder
cd SDL2_image-2.0.0
#Configure your built system
# Compile SDL2 Image
# Install it
sudo make install
# Go back to working dir
cd ..
# Get SDL2 Mixer
#Decompress TAR
tar xvf SDL2_mixer-2.0.0.tar.gz
# Go to decompress folder
cd SDL2_mixer-2.0.0
#Configure your built system
# Compile SDL2 Mixer
# Install it
sudo make install
# Go back to working dir
cd ..
# Get SDL2 TTF
#Decompress TAR
tar xvf SDL2_ttf-2.0.12.tar.gz
# Go to decompress folder
cd SDL2_ttf-2.0.12
#Configure your built system
# Compile SDL2 Mixer
# Install it
sudo make install
# Go back to working dir
cd ..
# Go to Flare engine
cd flare-engine
# Configure built system
cmake .
# Build flare
# Go go Flare-game dir
cd ../flare-game
#Create symlink to flare executable
ln -s ../flare-engine/flare
# Go to mods dir
cd mods
#Create symlink to flare default mod
ln -s ../../flare-engine/mods/default
# Go to Flare game
cd ..
# Try running the Flare
#In my case it did not work at this moment I had to following:
#Go to configure folder
cd ~/.config/flare
#Copy mods configuration to config folder
cp ~/flare/flare-engine/mods/mods.txt .
# Open settings.txt to text editor
gedit settings.txt
#Look for hwsurface=1 and change that 0 and save file
#Try running Flare again
cd ~/flare/flare-game
When there is update for flare you just go to flare-engine and flare-game folders and say git pull. If there are any updates it should be visible. If there were updates on flare-engine after that say "make clean" and then "make" and you got a new updated version of Flare.
Ty Reemax for all of yours explanations.
I already tried to install it on ubuntu 1204 but it cant install the :sudo apt-get install libsdl2-dev libsdl2-image-dev libsdl2-mixer-dev libsdl2-ttf-dev libsdl-ttf2.0-dev
but i will try with yours explanations.
When i read cd.. i must write in the terminal cd.. or cd+something else?
When i read ./configure, must i just write this or the folder who contains the data?
You should type all these commands into terminal. Just open one terminal and type all commands there. Commands are make assumptions about your folders so these must be run in right order or you need to manually make sure you are in right folder. That's one reason why I put comment before each command. Second thing is that you should never run a command which you do not understand what it does.
./configure is a script to make building configurations that match on your system. It should write in terminal and in folder which contains that script.
He, i was here :
# Go back to working dir : DONE
#Decompress TAR : DONE
# Go to decompress folder : DONE
#Configure your built system : DONE
# Compile SDL2 Mixer : ERROR
# Install it : NEED TO BE DONE
checking for linux-gnu-windres... no
checking for size_t... yes
checking for working alloca.h... yes
checking for alloca... yes
checking for freetype-config... no
configure: error:
*** Unable to find FreeType2 library (
me@Me:~/SDL2_ttf-2.0.12$ make
make: *** Pas de cibles spécifiées et aucun makefile n'a été trouvé. Arrêt.
me@Me:~/SDL2_ttf-2.0.12$ sudo make install
make: *** Pas de règle pour fabriquer la cible « install ». Arrêt.
me@Me:~/SDL2_ttf-2.0.12$ ^C
the first line for "make" says : no target specified and no makefile found. stop
the second line for "sudo make install" says: no rules to build the target "install". stop
so i do nothing now i wait your answer...
Tell me if i have to do again all the things done until this part or i can do from your answer.
But until the terminal stop the process, all is done and good, no error found =D
Sorry, I missed compiling FreeType2 Library. So before compiling SDL2_ttf go to working directory:
cd ~/flare #Assuming you made flare folder into your home folder.
#Get freetype source codes
# Decompress it
tar xvf freetype-2.5.5.tar.gz
# Go to folder
cd freetype-2.5.5
# Configure build system
# Compile it
# Install it
sudo make install
# and now continue build SDL2-ttf
# Go back to working dir
cd ..
# Go to decompressed folder
cd SDL2_ttf-2.0.12
#Configure your built system
# Compile SDL2 ttf
# Install it
sudo make install
Now continue from previous instructions.
No it didnt... But now I start to see the patterns XD
now i will try again with :
#Make the working directory and go working directoy
mkdir flare
cd flare
...and doing the followings
Because the first time i did in a terminal :
mkdir flare
cd flare
and in another terminal i launch :
#Clone the game repository and the followings.
I will let everything like you have a command to clean of all the mess i have done?
Tyvm for your help. =D
I think there is no need to clean the mess. I'll teach you couple of command. First
command cd changes the directory. ls list content of current directory. So first type "cd flare"
and then "ls" and it should like something like this:
flare-engine SDL2-2.0.3 SDL2_mixer-2.0.0
flare-game SDL2-2.0.3.tar.gz
freetype-2.5.5 SDL2_image-2.0.0 SDL2_ttf-2.0.12
freetype-2.5.5.tar.gz SDL2_image-2.0.0.tar.gz SDL2_ttf-2.0.12.tar.gz
Depending what packets you downloaded. Also flare-engine and flare-game might be in your home folder.If they are easiest way to clean these two is use file browser and just delete those two directories. So last time you couldn't compile SDL2_ttf since you were missing freetype.So if you can see freetype-2.5.5 directory just go there and type "./configure" "make" and "sudo make install"After this "cd .." "cd SDL2_ttf-2.0.12" "./configure" "make" and "sudo make install"After this you should have working and installed SDL2. "cd .."#Clone the game repositorygit clone #Clone the engine repositorygit clone # Go to Flare enginecd flare-engine # Configure built systemcmake . # Build flaremake # Go go Flare-game dircd ../flare-game #Create symlink to flare executableln -s ../flare-engine/flare # Go to mods dircd mods #Create symlink to flare default modln -s ../../flare-engine/mods/default # Go to Flare gamecd .. # Try running the Flare./flare #In my case it did not work at this moment I had to following:#Go to configure folder cd ~/.config/flare #Copy mods configuration to config foldercp ~/flare/flare-engine/mods/mods.txt . # Open settings.txt to text editorgedit settings.txt #Look for hwsurface=1 and change that 0 and save file#Try running Flare again cd ~/flare/flare-game./flare
Hi Reemax
i did this
# Try running the Flare
and got this :
me@Me:~/flare/flare-game$ ./flare
isDirectory: No such file or directory
isDirectory: No such file or directory
ERROR: main: Could not initialize SDL: No available video device
So i did this :
#In my case it did not work at this moment I had to following:
#Go to configure folder
cd ~/.config/flare
#Copy mods configuration to config folder
cp ~/flare/flare-engine/mods/mods.txt .
# Open settings.txt to text editor
gedit settings.txt
#Look for hwsurface=1 and change that 0 and save file
#Try running Flare again
cd ~/flare/flare-game
and got this :
me@Me:~/flare/flare-game$ cd ~/.config/flare
me@Me:~/.config/flare$ cp ~/flare/flare-engine/mods/mods.txt .
me@Me:~/.config/flare$ gedit settings.txt
me@Me:~/.config/flare$ cd ~/flare/flare-game
me@Me:~/flare/flare-game$ ./flare
ERROR: main: Could not initialize SDL: No available video device
All have been done like you tell me to do.
At this stage i dont know if i can run it or something is missing.
ty for your effort and all the instructions you gave to me.
Hmm, I did not encounter this problem. You could try typing "echo $DISPLAY"
If it shows empty line then type "export DISPLAY=:0.0" and after this try running the flare again from same terminal.
I tried to search help for that error message but helps very a bit different and I am not sure which might help for you if above one does not help.
Hmm, you could try running this command "sudo apt-get install ia32-libs". It might help if you have 64bit system. Seems that I have installed way before compiling the Flare so this was missing...
I see...
I got DISPLAY=:0.0 and i cannot install ia32-libs, because it said the link doesnt exist and it didnt found it. And im not on 64bit system.
Ok we stop it now, i dont want to waste all of your time for nothing.
Thank you very much Reemax for your help on Ubuntu 12004 and Igor Paliychuk for your help on winxp to install the lastest flare. But seems nothing works.
bye =)