titlepic needed for open source doom clone

titlepic needed for open source doom clone

Hello I am one of the spriters for Freedoom a Project to create a free and open source game for the doom engine that is capable of running doom mods

You can learn more about freedom here


Freedoom is already on a completely playable state, and only needs graphical improvement. The title picture we have right now lacks excitement, and we are looking to have it replaced, below is a sketch of what we are looking for made by one of our members


The resolution needed will be 320x200 pixels, but the engine displays on a 4:3 aspect ratio example below. the image on the left shows how it looks in game, the one on the right shows the how it was made


As for the style we are looking for something like the below images



Here are the referents of the characters in the sketch

this is the monster that is flying on the upper left corner 


this is the guy running in the front, it is the player character


this is the worm monster on the right


this are the impaled guys



the image doesnt have to be exact, feel free to take some liberties
