OGA and License FAQ Update/Changes

OGA and License FAQ Update/Changes

withthelove's picture


Reposting this under 'feedback' since that's where it properly belongs.


@bart: This came up in anther discussion but I thought I'd post it as it's own thing both in the hopes of getting it noticed and because it is properly it's own subject anyway.


I also know this topic has been kicked around a little before, so apologies in advance for also raising a dead horse...


Anyway, was wondering if there was anything we could do to better publicize the anti-DRM properties of the CC-BY and CC-SA.  Not to discredit the license, but just to make sure submitters understand the license and don't choose it wanting the attribution part but not realizing the anti-DRM is in there.


A thought eugeneloza had on the subject was to provide some kind of basic faq describing the available licenses in layman's terms.   This could be linked above/in the license selection check box on the submission form.


I notice there is a breakdown of the licenses in the general site faq:






a) it is pitched a bit more toward developers/users than artists/submitters


b) it isn't linked anywhere from the art submission form (which has just links to the more detailed descriptions of each license)


c) it doesn't mention the OGA-BY license 


d) it also doesn't mention the anti-DRM bits of CC-BY/SA licenses


In fact, the 'CC-BY' bit says 'Provided the author is properly credited, it is generally safe to use this content in a commercial work.'  Which, if I didn't know better, I would assume meant CC-BY stuff was fine to use on DRM'd platforms.   Actually, as a developer, this is what I assumed when I first discovered OGA based on that faq as well as the general license overview provided by the creative commons site.  It wasn't until I saw a forum post on the topic that I understood that the 'technical measures' bit was referring to DRM.   I guess that's one reason I'm sensitive to this subject, I've made the same mistake just from the other side.


Well, any interest in updating the site FAQ to include some mention of the DRM stuff?  What about a more submitter friendly version? (Something like 'Choosing the license that's right for you...')  Or a link from the submission form to a general license faq?