About PayPal and nonprofit
About PayPal and nonprofit
I think this might be interesting for anyone who accepts donations via PayPal or knows of a project that does so and cares enough to tell them.
As an good-looking alternative, besides Flattr, I found WePay. What other good alternatives do you know of? What are your opinions?
PS: The last article states that "he started WePay (ironically, with funding from PayPal founder Max Lezchin, who Aberman said was concerned that PayPal became too big and impersonal after it was acquired by eBay in 2002).".
I've had Flattr buttons on pretty much everything I put online for over a year now, and I'm yet to get one lousy tip. I gave a bunch of tips myself... and quite a few remained unclaimed. Let's be honest: nobody really uses Flattr apart from a few starry-eyed Germans.
As for WePay... it isn't something you can simply subscribe to and use directly. Is it even available for people outside of the US? (Also, I don't care what they say. Asking for your SSN? Seriously? I call a scam.)
The truth is, PayPal is an unmitigated monopoly. Nobody uses PayPal because they like or trust the service; everybody uses PayPal because it's quite literally the only game in town. If they screw you over, well, you're screwed. We'd better get used to the truth: the powers that be don't like little people being able to get paid instantly from anywhere in the world -- that's too much power in our hands. I'd recommend BitCoin instead, but that's an even bigger scam.
So thanks for the reminder, but it's not out of ignorance that people still use PayPal. For most of us, it's simply the only chance to earn even pocket money from someone who's not a shitty local employer. And unfortunately I can't live without money. It's this little bit of independence, for however long it lasts, or none at all.
The post is 5 years old, dude. It was just revived by a spam posting.