Looking to Pay for Voice Acting in German
Looking to Pay for Voice Acting in German
Friday, May 22, 2015 - 21:31
Hello there,
I am in need of a voice actor to do voices in German for my RTS game, Wyrmsun:
The voices would have to be released under the CC0 license.
The voices needed would be typical RTS unit acknowledgements, which would be used by the German units.
If you are interested, feel free to contact me (please send a sample of your voice-acting work attached).
Looks like an interesting FOSS project.
Here's an example of my vocie acting in English: http://opengameart.org/content/voice-acting-sketch-open-dungeons
I don't know German well, but I believe I'll be able to preform a good pronounciation (I've been learning German for 8 years by now). So I'll need exact phrases (scenario) in German and some comments on mood, accents.
Hey, thanks for the interest! Someone has already contacted me and we have already agreed to go forward with him doing the voices, though.
Cool! I wish you success!