Tell me about yourself! Please and thank you

Tell me about yourself! Please and thank you

I have an unconventional question/topic that I hope some people will respond to. I am a writer working on a novel. I want my main character to be a video game artist. But I do not know very much (at all) about the gaming world. I will be conducting research elsewhere but really want to talk to some people who can give me personal details about the culture of the gaming industry, and day-to-day realities of the job. 

Based on some light research, I would want my character to be a level designer. (Please correct me if I have any facts wrong!) I would want him to mainly work on mapping and landscaping  through pen and paper drawing and Adobe. The plot of this novel is that he loses his sight and can no longer work very accurately through these mediums, at which point he will continue to work with the same team of designers and contribute with ideas, and eventually move to using 3 dimensional mediums, perhaps designing character and landscape objects through clay or something? I realize there have been many successful blind artists but for the purposes of this novel I would at least want him to switch from drawing and computer design to another medium. 

Again, I know nothing, please correct me if any of my ideas are unrealistic and tell me anything you're willing to share about this world. THANKS!