32x32px static Spooks \ Ghosts
32x32px static Spooks \ Ghosts
32x32px static Spooks \ Ghosts. 4 colors each. Lower row is negative of upper.
Preview scaled x2. Animation is just an example.

32x32px static Spooks \ Ghosts. 4 colors each. Lower row is negative of upper.
Preview scaled x2. Animation is just an example.
I very much like this sort of thing, and I'm always happy to see someone else doing this kind of work. Bravo, and keep 'em coming :)
Thank you! I'm still learning, so there definitely will be more and more in time. :)
nice ghost
I will credit you once the game is made
Wow! Cool, thanks! I glad you liked it enough to use in your game. :)
Nice !!