Looking for somebody. that can create simple animal sprites

Looking for somebody. that can create simple animal sprites

R3tr0BoiDX's picture

Hey everybody,


I looking for somebody for my new game. The game is called "Hop" and is a kind of a endless runner, just in 2D. The game should be released on Android and maybe on some point for iOS. It's just a small game and it's almost done, jist little things to optimize and the extrernal APIs stuff like Ads or a Game Service AND the different players I need.

And that's the problem, I can create grounds, plants, effects, etc but no Animals. I need about 20 animals, each one with a small running animation 3-5 frames.

Of course I would send you a small donation :)


Thank you,

Mirco Janisch :)


Video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OL5sHdsRyM4