Looking for a spriter / 2D artist for new project

Looking for a spriter / 2D artist for new project

Renamon's picture


I'm starting a new project with a friend of mine. I will be a 2D platformer with essence of many game styles combined: Treasure finding like adventure games, achievements, paths for speedrunning like Sonic games, and some fighting styles like action games. I've put on paper the main story, the characters and the technical design part. I would be glad to form a development group, but I know it's difficult since this project is (at least for now) an ad honorem task...

My friend will be responsible of the programming part and the physics engine. I made the story and I'm coordinating tasks, designing characters and drawing a bit (with my limited skills, since I'm not an artist).

The codename of the project is Winter's Tale, but it won't be used as title (it's already used by a movie). This is a sketch of Winter faces and a simple sprite I made:

There is more information, but I think this is a brief introduction of the project... I hope you like it, and, if you want to help us we will be glad to see your work!


Beeest regards!
