[Fixed] Error when trying to view or upload art
[Fixed] Error when trying to view or upload art
when i try to view art from someone i get this error
PDOException: SQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 1021 Disk full (/tmp/#sql_7f6_1.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device"): SELECT DISTINCT base.tid AS tid, base.vid AS vid, base.name AS name, base.description AS description, base.format AS format, base.weight AS weight, v.machine_name AS vocabulary_machine_name FROM {taxonomy_term_data} base INNER JOIN {taxonomy_vocabulary} v ON base.vid = v.vid LEFT OUTER JOIN {forum_access} fa ON fa.tid = base.tid LEFT OUTER JOIN {acl} acl ON acl.number = base.tid AND acl.module = 'forum_access' LEFT OUTER JOIN {acl_user} aclu ON aclu.acl_id = acl.acl_id AND aclu.uid = 9999 WHERE (base.tid IN (:db_condition_placeholder_0, :db_condition_placeholder_1, :db_condition_placeholder_2, :db_condition_placeholder_3, :db_condition_placeholder_4, :db_condition_placeholder_5, :db_condition_placeholder_6)) AND( (fa.rid IS NULL ) OR( (fa.rid IN (:db_condition_placeholder_7)) AND (fa.grant_view >= :db_condition_placeholder_8) )OR (aclu.uid = :db_condition_placeholder_9) ); Array ( [:db_condition_placeholder_0] => 12882 [:db_condition_placeholder_1] => 510 [:db_condition_placeholder_2] => 261 [:db_condition_placeholder_3] => 128 [:db_condition_placeholder_4] => 874 [:db_condition_placeholder_5] => 2107 [:db_condition_placeholder_6] => 2729 [:db_condition_placeholder_7] => 2 [:db_condition_placeholder_8] => 1 [:db_condition_placeholder_9] => 9999 ) in DrupalDefaultEntityController->load() (line 193 of /var/www/sites/opengameart/includes/entity.inc).
the weird thing is that i only get this error when i am logged in.
i get this (??) error too, if i try to upload something.
EDIT: test if edit works now, and ...
i hope that this get fixed soon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Got this error today too, when I tried to log in. Another login attempt an hour later worked (so I can write this).
EDIT (9/25/15 -- 11:16 AM): Uploading still doesn't work! (See image attachment)
EDIT (9/25/15 -- 11:23 AM): Error comes and goes for viewing art, seems to be persistent and unpredictible, it appears to be related to their database or server -- (since it mentions "Disk Space" and "Base" strings)
I cannot upload another image showing this error due to uploading errors, but the first post by "rubberduck" shows it in text.
Welcome to WakianTech | Creativity on a Cosmic Level!
Still getting this error.
Was getting this error for the past two days, seems to be working for me now though.
for me it works now too, i hope it is really fixed...
It happens with some regularity. The message indicates it's a problem with the server, specifically it seems to run out of diskspace on /tmp, which is a bad thing in general.
Now, typically files are flushed from /tmp regularly, so the problem should self-correct, but it's still bad. It suggests that the server needs a harddrive upgrade. Possibly this is something that the person who manages the server needs to know (assuming they don't already).
What worries me isn't that stuff like this happens. I was a SysAdmin in another life, so I know full well that 'stuff' happens.
What concerns me is how long it seems to take these things to even get noticed. The lack of official comment from any admin is also distressing. Even a 'we're aware of the problem' message would have been nice.
Combined with the fact that search is broken and has been for months, with zero indication of what the problem is, whose working on it and when it might be fixed, it's just hard not to get the feeling that the Admins have left the building. :(
I say this not with anger but with sadness. I have nothing but love and respect for Bart and everyone else involved with OGA, and I totally understand if they are involved with other things now, but maybe it's time they asked for some help. I'm sure there are others in the community who would be glad to help carry the torch for a while.
I agree, it isn't that stuff breaks that's worrying.
I think getting an extra pair of hands to help maintain the site (and sort issues like this, or the search) might be a good idea if the current admins are pressed for time...
Botanic is sometimes on the IRC so I often ping him about this stuff. I haven't been in touch with Bart in months. Botanic can handle issues like this when he's notified but I agree the current state of things is disheartening.
Regarding search (and I guess I should really post this in the thread about that), could someone post a note about it on the front page? or is that a Bart-only thing? I just think it would be nice to at least have something acknowleding the problem and maybe directing people to try the experimental search engine up on the main page. I mean, it is just such a shame, there is so much wonderful art coming into the site right now, and it's all basically disappearing after it falls off the 'recent submission' list. It's a real bummer for people searching the site and an absolute diservice to all the kind folks generously contributing their works here.
Ok, I have to stop thinking about it, it just makes me so sad. :(
Botanic fixed it :)
I think announcements are Bart's territory. I might be able to convince Botanic to put one up, though, in his functional absence. It is pretty important that it gets fully implemented ASAP but I have no idea what a realistic timescale on that would be.
Botanic fixed the server problem or the search problem?
Search still seems broken to me.
But I am certainly grateful for Botanic's work to fix the disk space issue.
I hope someone else has admin access if Bart becomes ill or something like that? It'd be terrible if OGA dies because Bart is the only one who can maintain the site and something unfortunate happens to him ...
Capbros: just the server issue. If the search were a quick fix Bart would have done it a couple years ago.
Varkalandar: Botanic has full powers too as I understand it. Botanic is a hugely generous but also hugely busy guy. He's been hosting OGA at a big discount for quite a while and also donating his time here and there to keep things running. He would probably be able to transfer the reins if Bart needed someone else to take over for whatever reason, he just can't do it all himself.
My understanding is that the search is (was already) so fundamentally flawed that the correct solution is replacing it with an alternative search engine (http://opengameart.org/search/solr). This is stated to be "very early alpha" on the main page, but the fact alone that it matches words in the title, abstract, tags and I think even discussions instead of just tags like the "normal" search means that I always use the "very early alpha" search rather than the normal search.
Disclaimer: I haven't used the normal search in months, so I may be mis-remembering what exactly it does and doesn't do. I remember using it was unpredictable to the point that it was never clear if something just wasn't on here, or I didn't guess the right combination of search terms to find it.
So at least from my perspective "fixing the search" is as simple as replacing the current default search with the newer "very early alpha" search...
@Redshrike: Ok, yeah that's what I thought, was just confirming that I understood you correctly.
@Evert: I agree on both points, the new search works great despite the 'pre-alpha' tag, and the old search has always seemed kind of quirky to me too, although knowing now that it doesn't return results past July 2014 does help explain at least some of the 'funny' behavior I've seen.
I also agree 100% about replacing the broken search with the alpha one. Whatever's wrong with the alpha, from what I've seen, it's no where near as broken as 'doesn't return anything past July 2014'
Even if the search box itself can't be switched out easily, it'd be great to at least see a sticky post on the main page explaining the problem and directing people to the new search.
@all: About things moving forward, am I right to say the work for maintaining the site falls into four categories:
1) Server Maintainence
2) Web/Database Development
3) Art Curation
4) Site Development/Community Relations (front page posts, site plicy and documentation, etc.)
It seems like we have mods/admins around other than Bart who are already taking care of #3.
It sounds like Botanic is doing duty on #1 but could use help with it.
Am I missing something? Is Bart the only one for #2 and #4?
I wouldn't call what we're doing art curation. All I do is delete spam and help resolve licensing issues when they come up. The curation goal is more ambitious, focused on helping to promote the best in the gallery and in some way deal with submissions which are trivial, of low quality, not game ready or not game assets at all.
I also try to help a bit with #4 where needed in comment threads, though it's kind of out of my baileywick.
#2, absolutely Bart's. #4, When it comes to putting up announcements, that's definitely a Bart thing too. Apparentley he does have some things in the pipeline, he just hasn't put up an announcement yet. I'd bug him about it but again, I haven't been in direct contact for quite a while.
I really hope he does put up something soon, even if it's small and short. I understand that he's super busy, and his kids absolutely need to come first. I also love the way he's set up the site and the atmosphere he's set for it. I'd really like for site improvements to come sooner rather than later, but overall things have run pretty decently in his absence from the front end. But it's a real problem to have the latest blog entry or announcement on the front page be from last year (especially at the end of September). That's gonna be a big part of peoples' first impression.
Very much this. Some sign of life would be good (even if it's just a link to some tutorial or piece of software that someone found), otherwise the site just looks like it's been mostly abandoned and left to die slowly over time.
Hey folks.
I'm back now. This disk full issue shouldn't come up anymore since we've updated the server and added several hundred gigabytes of space.
Also, this needs to go in a longer blog post, but I'm sorry I've been absent for a while now. I'm aiming now to be present 5+ days a week, so major issues like this shouldn't go un-fixed for so long from here on.