Add to favorites button
Add to favorites button
Wednesday, October 14, 2015 - 03:54
What does the add to favorites button do? Is it just some indicator that you have liked an art or an art collection? Because on my understanding if i add to favorites an art, i will have a list of arts that i have tagged as my favorites. But when i have checked my favorites tab, there isnt even a single art or art collection that i have tagged as favorite is there.
Can someone clarify? Thanks!
Odd. It should collect them there (it does for me).
I use it as a quick bookmark for stuff I find generally useful and want to be able to find again quickly later.
Your favorites definitely should show up in your favorites tab. Can you post a link to a piece of art that you've favorited so I can look into what's going on?
Moved this to the feedback forum, since it potentially describes a bug.
Oh, so it really works that way, anyway my favorites tab not working. Thanks guys.
Another question, where does the site notify me for replies in this forum? is it mail? or it notifies me also in this site?
Apologies for putting it up in general discussion, Here are the links bart, hope this helps
recently tagged favorites
tagged favorites
I dunno if this would help but here is the link to my favorites tab
Hi, Ive noticed that art piece are now added to my favorites. How about art collections? are they also included in favorites?
Collections aren't currently included in favorites. I may add them at a later date.