CameliaGirls Visual Novel: Watercolor Background Artists [ON HOLD]
CameliaGirls Visual Novel: Watercolor Background Artists [ON HOLD]
@CameliaGirls is a FOSS, slice-of-life visual novel written using the Ren'Py visual novel engine, and we're looking for some background artists. Here's a verbatim copy of the job posting:
Watercolor Background Designer
Goal: Act 1 backgrounds are simply real photographs with watercolour-like filters applied to them – ideally, we’d like for these to be original watercolour artwork instead. The new watercolour backgrounds can be loosely based on the originals or even completely redesigned – however, tit-for-tat copies of the originals are discouraged. Submitted watercolour backgrounds should be at least 1600x1200 pixels large.
Contribution Type: any submissions received before 2/28/2011
License Type: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike or freer
Prize: 10 to 20 points per valid set submitted, 400 or $4 USD per poll-won background.
Bonus: 50% more points earned with the advertised use of MyPaint or Krita paint tools.
The images currently used in the game can be found here:
Note that there's a risk involved, since it's up to a group vote/poll to determine if your backgrounds are eligible for the payment. On the other hand, no one else has risen to the occasion yet, so contributions would not really be up against much competition. Either way, please keep this in mind when applying. If you have a dA account, please apply for the job here: , but if you don't have an account and don't want one, reply to this forum post and I'll be happy to serve as your representative to the team.
If this isn't your thing, I encourage you to take a look at our other paying jobs, available here:
UPDATE 2/4/11: This particular commission has been put off indefinitely, but anyone interested in participating is still welcome to contact the team to work out an alternative agreement.
A couple of things:
I used to do a fair amount of digital painting myself, so I might give this a shot, time allowing. If I do so and I manage to get some art accepted, I'll probably just have you donate the award money to OGA so I can spend it on other commissions. :)
Here's a link to my digital paintings on DA, if you're curious:
Note that I haven't attempted digital watercolor, so it'll be interesting to see how that turns out if I give it a shot. :)
Thanks for the feedback. Those are some excellent pictures, though most of the artwork we need are indoor scenes. I would post them in OGA, but I don't feel like filtering through all of the licenses and stuff.
Here's an archive of all of our background images, with a copy of the Credits file (to fill the attribution requirement).
Points are a kind of deviantArt digital funny money you can use to buy subscriptions, gear, or prints. They're popular with many of our contributors, so our developer offers them as a form of payment. Several of our contributors will also do commissions for points, so you can save them up and hire them if you like! :D
So, just to clarify, you're looking for watercolor replacements of the current images, for now?
Precisely. And be sure to mention which tools you use, since we're trying to promote Free Software for other developers.
Okay, here's a pen sketch for your first image. Trying to get any sort of open source painting software working is like pulling teeth, I'm afraid.
The latest version of Krita (2.3) doesn't appear to be available for download anywhere, and mypaint apparently has no way of allowing you to scroll around a painting if the window is too small for it -- plus the watercolor brushes don't look very good and it runs slowly on my netbook.
The pen sketch (done on paper, scanned and cleaned up in GIMP) is here:
I may fire up photoshop or painter to finish it.
@bart: To look around in myPaint just press+hold space and move your mouse/pen.
Thanks for the heads up. Now if only I could fix my wacom tablet issue (specifically, the aspect ratio of my screen is different from the aspect ratio of the tablet, and there's no way as far as I can tell to use less space on the tablet).
At least with my tablet i can change that:
Go to Wacom Tablet Preferences (Start.Menu): -> Activate the third tab ("Projection") and there you can set up which screen to use or set it to a self defined resolution (i.E. if you want to use it just for a small area).
What distro are you using? I don't see anything like that.
Bart in KDE SC systemsettings -> graphic tablet KCM -> Pad Mapping you can set the working area
whether the graphic tablet KCM is installed by default or where it is located in systemsetting vaires with distro and KDE SC version
If anyone needs some inspiration here's a cool video by David Revoy using mypaint to make a digital watercolour painting
Hey, im just wondering if the source images from which those cg backgrounds were created are available?
@p0ss: If you look at the credits file in the zip archive, there are urls for the original photographs that were used to create the backgrounds. Most of these photos are hosted in the Wikimedia commons. Is that what you mean?
also, is this the kind of thing you're after?
@p0ss: Thanks for giving it a shot, but I'm not quite sure that's what we're after. It's based too much off the original work, and I think the overall goal is to move away from the stock images that are currently used and slowly start integrating completely new pieces of artwork into the project as it matures (because new artwork enriches both @CG as well as the Creative Commons as a whole).
Either way, I appreciate the interest, but until the project is taken off hold, it's probably better to wait until our project leader comes up with some samples of what he's looking for (but you could still submit it to OGA so someone else can use it if they find the need!).
Hello! my name is kyril and I'm full of ideas waiting for realization! I would be very happy to work with us.