Rate my art V2.0
Rate my art V2.0
I have a new set of images. They are not supposed to be on a single context. Anyway, this time I tried to make them simpler, maybe add some sunlight as well. The shield turned out to be kindof armor-like but meh.
The truth is that I have not found out a "good" way to practise ( I don't know how to practise? )
Next time I am probably going to post ~10 images on the same context , as well as some dull-level/demo (I can code but I don't think I am ready to animate YET).
I am also considering trying to do some background image, perhaps something like a city ontop of a mountain, with a pretty high resolution though.
Constructive critisism (or not, you can't hurt me :P ) and feedback appreciated and NEEDED.
Thanks for your time , here are the images:
P.S. Can you tell iron-man's cannon and blade?
Are you using references?
the shield reminds me of the transformers logo for some reason. Its hard to comment because most of the images are so small.
If you mean references for shading like your vase tutorial, no.
I did take a look on some random beast, goblin, robot pictures on the internet and try to replicate them on pixel art.
I'd suggest you work at a larger size to get started. There are extra tricks that come into play when you're working at a very low resolution which would be a pain to pick up at the same time as everything else.
Ok. Something like 100+ squared is sufficient?
Shall I proceed to also draw something like a valley with a city in the middle (background :P ) for example.
Thanks for the support :)