Better preview for images?
Better preview for images?
Wednesday, December 16, 2015 - 09:20
Would be nice to have some better preview for images (especially pixel art),
as when you click some 16x16 pixel art image, it opens the same image with same size..(that doesnt help)
could have preview with 2x & 4x images on the side at least..
maybe mouseover previews already in the search results screen (saves many clicks for every image)
Or is there some bigger system upgrade planned anytime soon?
Whenever this happens with me, I just zoom in on the page.
At least in Chrome and Firefox you can zoom in by holding "ctrl + mouse-scroll-up" or "ctrl + =", and zoom out also with mouse wheel or "ctrl + -".
"ctrl+0" automatically resets to regular zoom.
It does a bilinear filter (I think) on zooming in so pixelart can become fuzzy, but that doesn't bother me too much.
yeah, that is possible..just not too convenient :)
could also make custom css/script with browser plugin to create dublicated images with 2x 4x, but nicer if no need to..
I think that gif images should be able to play automatically on homepage and in the assets page itself. Since it does accept gif images. I also think adding in photos without needing to have them uploaded somewhere else ie imgur.
But I dont believe that this takes much priority or is needed at all.