Artists Needed

Artists Needed

dr_corchit's picture


I'm working on a serious project that is in need of artists. The game is a 2.5D top-down rpg with platforming and maze solving elements, and involves the quest of a knight to escape from a hellish abyss. He must navigate massive stone catwalks over lava pools as well as wretched miasmal swamps in his quest to return to the surface.

I need a combination of pixel artists comfortable working with 48x48 animated sprites, as well as anyone skilled in larger drawings which will be needed at various points in the game.  The project is pretty far along and is already playable. I'm also open to gameplay and storyline suggestions if you want to get involved in the project.

For the smaller drawings, I'll need mainly 32x32 drawings of npc's and enemies, plus some 48x48 or larger sprites for bosses and powerful enemies. These drawings will need attack, walking, and death animations of roughly 8-16 frames.

For the larger drawings, I'll need things like floors, menu buttons, backrgounds, and loading screen art, plus whatever else might become necessary. I'll explain what I want in detail if you pm me.

Unfortunately, I can't offer any pay at the moment, but I'll glady send you a free copy of the game as well as your name in the credits.

Please let me know if you're interested.

The two screenshots below are from the game. The first is from a randomly generated room, and the second is from a swamp in story mode. Randomly generated dungeons will be used in a demo version of the game.

Game Screenshot 1Game SCreenshot 2