I Really Need a Rooftop
I Really Need a Rooftop
Okay, so I have a game- actually, I have info on the game in this document, which you are free to comment on and to suggest ideas:
This game needs to be done by mid February. I don't know if I'll be able to get it done... Anyways, two things. I need a rooftop and pronto. Second thing: Tell me opinions and suggestions. Thanks!!!!!!
PS I am using LibGDX, Java, and Eclipse IDE to code it.
Size:1980x1020 or just a bit larger
2D/Pixel Artish... Not... Well, lets just say this and I'll work with what I get.
IDK what Vector is so...........
I mean, I'm not very good at explaining how I want things. I have a bit of background on the game in the url, maybe you could figure out a better way for the cieling to be..........
Triangle Ace Studios
What kind of rooftop? What size? What style? just rooftop tiles? textures? pixel art? vector?
Updating the info into the post......