Looking for 2D artist
Looking for 2D artist
Hey guys,im new at OpenGameArt.org Ive came here in search of an artist.I decided to make a game with an engine called Gamemaker:Studio.Ive programmed mechanics(walking,jumping etc.) But iam desperate for art.My game is called Neon Moon.Story follows a young detective who in search of a missing person suddenly finds himself in Limbo.This is a horror game expiriance with lots of jumpscares.
What am i looking for
-2D artist(any kind of art:pixel,smooth...etc)
-payment(profit share) example:If my game is 5 bucks i get 2 you get 3 or something like that,i have discusses pricing yet
-work flow(how much work),i dont need anyone to work fast so(this is a spare time project),draw when you can,if you want,and when you feel inspired to.
-Im a 20 year-old indie game developer(at least wanna be a dev)
-Im from Serbia(Europe)
-My budget(pretty low for now)
-Expiriance with game development:i dont want to sound arrogant or anything but i have 20 games that i have developed away from the mainstream,for my own personal use and studying how game development works.
Contact(if interested)
-e mail: nikolacekic2002@gmail.com
steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197996713902/
Feel free to ask me anything,anytime
Please dont mind me if i have broken some of the forums rules,in terms of posting reqeusts and things like that.
Sorry(im new here :))
You did good as you could in posting an ad without pay, and without examples I guess. Im glad you said "spare time". After I get unity to stop being annoying then im going to be posting a lot more content and you can feel free to grab anything you want off of me and make some occasional small requests if you want.
Thanks mate.The game looks nothing close to a horror game(and its supposed to be one).For players and such things i used sqaures and things like that.Do you have steam or e-mail so i can message you and talk more frequently?
Do you take newbs artist? I mean as gaming artist as in real life I'm an Illustrator but i have zero experience for game developing maybe i could help little bit and also i could learn something, thank you.
Ill P.M my email to you.
what do you mean by newbs artist? And yeah,any help i can find around the web is useful for me.