Looking for 2D artist

Looking for 2D artist

Hey guys,im new at OpenGameArt.org  Ive came here in search of an artist.I decided to make a game with an engine called Gamemaker:Studio.Ive programmed mechanics(walking,jumping etc.) But iam desperate for art.My game is called Neon Moon.Story follows a young detective who in search of a missing person suddenly finds himself in Limbo.This is a horror game expiriance with lots of jumpscares.

What am i looking for

-2D artist(any kind of art:pixel,smooth...etc)

-payment(profit share) example:If my game is 5 bucks i get 2 you get 3 or something like that,i have discusses pricing yet

-work flow(how much work),i dont need anyone to work fast so(this is a spare time project),draw when you can,if you want,and when you feel inspired to.


-Im a 20 year-old indie game developer(at least wanna be a dev)

-Im from Serbia(Europe)

-My budget(pretty low for now)

-Expiriance with game development:i dont want to sound arrogant or anything but i have 20 games that i have developed away from the mainstream,for my own personal use and studying how game development works.

Contact(if interested)

-e mail: nikolacekic2002@gmail.com

steam: http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197996713902/

Feel free to ask me anything,anytime

Please dont mind me if i have broken some of the forums rules,in terms of posting reqeusts and things like that.

Sorry(im new here :))