Update, and get new affiliates?

Update, and get new affiliates?

Chris_M_The_Game_Dude.'s picture

I feel we should update and find more affiliates to add to the site and get added by them.

Gameboom at this point can be taken off the list, they don't seem to be doing anything about their hack, after nearly 3 years. Les Forges, a french site we have as one has had extremely little activity. Freegamedev seems to have been wiped off the face of the earth. Ancient Beast hasnt had a single person say anything in 6 months, person before that was 2 years ago. I dont see much from liberated pixel cup, and flare has been on a large down of traffic since a bit ago.

Last reason why we should add more is because OGA seems to have gained pretty much no more traffic than normal over the past few years. Some of you may be thinking "so what" but OGA is probably the best place to get free art from a great community that includes I and yourselves, I'd just like to see your and my work get used and see its having a larger effect than someone once in a while stumbling across something they think is cool. I think we can spare room to try to expand a bit, for ourselves and a slightly better future in game design. 

obama-speech-on-stage-funny-meme.jpg obama-speech-on-stage-funny-meme.jpg 52.5 Kb [0 download(s)]