First to try Pixelart need feedback
First to try Pixelart need feedback
Hi Everyone, I'm new here and As a tittle said. I want to shared my first (actually it's my third attemp to pixelart and animated) and wanted to hear you feedback, all done in Photoshop.
testbit001, it's so hard to keep my character proportional especially deciding how's her feets/boots looks.
Untittled-1, my second anymated pixelart I know it looks weird at some parts of her body, i just used 2 frame animation.
So my questions is :
Is there any specific pixel size for game asset?
How to prepared pixel art in a proper way for animation and game asset?
I may have another questions but I thinks that's all for now. thanks in advance.
Wow, this is amazing! :D
Where did you learn to draw like that, ive been trying to do (correct me if I am wrong) 16bit Character drawings for years but could never get the hang of it.. Anyway good job!
Hello thk47,
for propotions you could watch at this:
There you can see the body needs 4 units and the head 1.
Your first try is amazing i really like it. I think the legs are a bit long but ... its a woman, so its ok ;)
Denken Sie Groß! // Think big!
yeah, this looks pretty amazing! especially for a first go!
my only comment would be that the animation is just shifts, no actual changes to the sprite itself.
It's pixel art, part of the magic is that each frame can be a custom image!
Still, what you have works ok for the most part, but her calves in particular look really stiff. You might try bending them in a little to match the motion of the thighs coming down, if that makes any sense.
Well,I don't know how to quotes in order to response each one of you but I'd like to thanks for a feedback and kind words.
to Zeobis, To be honest I even don't know which category my piece was but glad you like it :D
to Skycore, I had a hardest time when working on her lower body part, especially legs and feet/boots.
to capbros, I well aware of that since I have zero knowledge of animation process I also feel that my animated gif looks weird. I'll tried to custom by frame for now on and hopes I can make any progress.
Well I must say its rather amazing design, far better than what i can do for 2D.
And agreed with capbros. not much animation wither than a small shift of frame.