I have started modeling work on my video game
I have started modeling work on my video game
My modeler who was doing this project, (volunteer project) she suddenly had a big commercial project come up from out of nowhere, (sometimes that happens) so I have to find another 3d modeler now to finish off my model as the commander for my game is not fully completed yet. Just his aesthetics need to be polished up and a bit more tweaking with him needs to be done. The model was made with Blender.
I'm also looking for any volunteer male voice actors to help as well, because due to health issues my female voice over person who was currently working on some of my game female voice roles is unable to continue to voice over for me at this time to finish off the dialog, so I am now looking for male voice overs for doing the male roles of the game while I wait to see if she can resume when she is feeling much better.
Need to put a Sc-Fi 26th century ship mlitary uniform also on the commander, with the commander insignia symbol on the shoulder.
The game itself was a big project consiting of many worlds and systems, so I can only get a little modeling of it done at a time of those who are willing to lend a hand.
What do you need for touch ups on the commander? some simple face sculpting or a bit of topology changes.
I can also voice act for a male. I can change around my voice pretty good with a few sentences of practice.
Yes I'm trying to get my commander to look like the guy in the photo, so he needs the hair colour highlights to look the same as the photo or pretty close to it with those raised waves and curls.. my modeler hasn't gotten around to sculpturing those highlights in yet and just done the basic hair texture but not the refining yet of the hair, Because this is the main lead guy of the game. so I need him to have a strong leadership presence and power of a commander, as hes the commander of a space ship of 100 or so ship crew, but at the moment without the refining, he looks more like the local tavern owner down the street or the barman which you just slap a white shirt on him, and he would fit the part because that's the stage of development hes currently at now. So if I was doing a game set in the medieval times or in the 16-18th century, then he would be perfect as he is now for the role.
But because this gme is set in the 26th century. he needs some further polishing up to get him looking more modern to fit the century.
So hes not quite exact to the real guy in the photo but my modeler did a pretty good job of it. The commander just needs a few more tweaks and tidying up and his blonde highlights put in. Here's the photo that we based building the commander's model from. (I have the release). We also need to put him in a ship uniform and use him also as a template to model his other clothes.
As for the Voice acting, yes, all you need is just audacity and a mic. I'm looking for male voiceover roles for Storm my main Tank guy in the game. I would need a short test demo file to hear some of the voices. Also I have Skinar the ship pilot. and also other male game party character voice roles, Herc, Cronis and also Rex (all main game party members). The game also has side characters with minor voice roles to them as well. Like your shopkeepers, your Traders, other people you meet as you travel in the game. I've also got some hoverbike Mod Racing included in this game you can find on Jamsi (one of the many systems) Jamsi is the only world that allows Hoverbike modding as modified hoverbikes are illegal to use in the other worlds. But if you use illegal mods on other worlds which outlaw such modifications, you will be fined.
I only want the main party game members to be high quality polished models and some key game characters. and the rest of the less impotant storyline models can be just of average standard.
The needed hair highlights is something I can do easy either through a 3d program (hopefully blender in this case) or I can do it through Gimp. I am really not fond at all of making clothes for models vs making the model clothed. And yes, for a mic there is a pretty good set of turtle beaches with suprisingly good mic quality, if that doesnt meet the standard then one of my closest friends is the lead of a Punk rock band and he has some really amazing equipment I can stop by and use.
If you want me to also add in higher quality facial details then give me a limit. I'd like a script maybe to get more to your idea on this for my samples.
Yeah sure, you can do the hair highlights.I have requested the model from my modeler, and have now uploaded the model here you can download the model and work on getting his hair right. hes in the Blender Format. Let me know when you have received the model.
I think the standard way to do the clothing was to just skin the head and hands, and then model the clothes directly on top so you don't have to fully skin the model, but just keep a spare copy of him as a template to model another set of clothes if you need to, well goes something like that. If you don't wish to model the clothes on him, you can do the hair highlights for him so I can get his hair looking right.
You want some of my game Dialog Voice Script? Yes, Ok here's some random samples of some of the game script characters:
Ionian Raider Bandit #1: Give me whats in your cargo bay. I see you have some interesting items that I want for my ship. I can sell them for scrap metal. Give them to me.
Shady Trader: I have a certain 'shipment' of supplies coming in and I need to find a buyer.
Herc #3: This is outragous. The council just sits back and watches? I won't accept this.
Herc #1: You shouldn't stick your nose in where its not wanted human, go back to your own world.
Storm: It's all Central's fault, had we the proper weapons in the first place, we wouldn't be in this kind of mess.
Storm: Its a Fangcrawler. I will have to deal with it. It's looking around for food.
Storm: Well you better get the computer six memory cores so that don't ever
happen. The last thing I want to is find myself stranded a million
light years from home all because the computer had no
memory left to plot the way back home again.
Storm: Just keep your guard up. you cant' take any chances with these things.
Commander: Sloops? What kind of weird name is that.
Crystal Shop Owner: One of our friendly little creatures we keep as pets, but
they might not be so friendly to you. Oh well , happy hunting. Good luck.
Storm: What a run down old dump this place is, what a mess. So Grubby
and dirty looking. Dam, what happened to all the maintenance droids?
Storm: You mean the most putrid and foul smelling things that exist in this side
of the quadrant. Just take them off our hands. Let's just get our credits and leave.
Gieus Docking Control: Very well, just fly through the Planetry Shield Barrier.
Just make sure you have shields at least up to level four so your ship won't get
all damaged.
Skinar: These are not stationery rocks Commander, they are flying randomly all over the
place, it is rather dangerous to try to take a ship through here but I will try, it will
require tricky timing.
Storm: So play Squash the packrat huh. This is a suicide run.
Skinar: Yeah pretty much.
Great. Ill see what I can do.
Ok post me the screenshot render when his hair is done. OH yes, I just remembered, upload also the audio demo when you got time to voice some of my script lines (you don't have to do every line), then I can see what character your voice will suit once i hear it. If you like to use different voices or emotions, it is preferable to repeat the script line 3 times using the different voice styes if you have different tones of voices, then we get a range of the emotions and different voice types avaliable.
Oh great. I was going to reapeat them in different emotions and I thought I was just gonna look goofy trying to post them.
This is not about trying to make people goofy but its about putting a realistic male voice in the game so I don't have to use rigid fixed Synthesis speech is what my chief goal in my mind is. Getting the game away from unemotional Synthesis speech an onto realistic emotion human voices....I have to choose what role your voice or voices suits in the game and what character. I can't do that assessment until I get the voice demo file to listen to know where things can fit in, so that's how I went about it with the female voice actor before she got sick so I Hope she recovers soon...
Oh no, you've mistaken me, I just meant it may have seemed goofy if I did it in a few different voices. And ive seen too many games and animations with that godawful synthesis speech.
And im sure she'll recover really soon and fully okay. right now consider me that quarter you prop under a chair or table leg, It (Barely) works until its not needed anymore.
Ok. Synthesis will work only in just a few places in the game like with the Computer SHIP AI System,
but it wont lift the game to a high level if synthesis was used for most of the game.
Yes. Thats probably one of the few places it works good. 'non organic' humans would definitely be one.
Yes, The problem with speech synthesis is that the computer can't always speak all the words right or or just stumbles through them especially for the females. I uploaded one of the speech synthesis files for Storm so you can listen to it. I did modify the sythesis with Audacity.and all it does is just mask the awfulness like putting lipstick over a pig, it just don't work well for organic characters. that's the reason why I need real human voices to add depth and character.
Let me know when the voice demo is done and how things are going also with the model as my modeler has given me the file to upload but soon as you have downloaded the file she then wants the file to be removed from here. But when the model has been done, Then you can upload it back up on here so I can download it and then remove the file.
Uploading some render screenshots every now and again to show the new changes would be helpful so I can see the progress..
Now As for your other question on the face topography its up to you to decide how much you want to put on it if you want to to get the model exactly as the photo as I know his skin tone still needs to be a few shades more lighter than what it is currently now as i do know the eyes neeed to be a bit more narrower because they are not quite the right shape, and I know his moustasche needs to be more narrower, so if you want to improve the finer aesthetics on the face and bascially give him a facelift or tweaks to his features, then that's fine, if you just only want to do just the hair highlights for him, that's fine as well. What you want to do to improve on him is up to you.
Well I expect to be done with both in about 2 days. The 3D model will again just take a few minutes, byt I decided to try to borrow a proper mic for a better quality. If that doesnt work Turtle beaches should work fine and still be a bit better than a synth voice.
Just only a few minutes to do the model ??
Looking at it more closely now, assuming the file isnt corrupted at all, the hair systems are really goofed and it requires a good amount of fixing. then either they arent loading or the face and hair textures arent installed on the model, and Im having trouble getting the face textures to get on without getting the body of the model to go purple on me, and vice versa.
Im also feeling concerned as the model is nearly 500K in Polygons. A lot of people find 5k-30k as their limit.
It has Half a million polygons in it? How can that be that high? I saw the wireframe mode of the model, to me it looked like it had only a few thousand polys in it. or is it the eyes that have used up all these extra k's of polys?
Now As for the hair I think a particle system probably might have been used for doing the hair and just assigned the hair texture, but I'm not sure on that though.
as for the textures of the model, they shoul've been packed inside the blender file
Yeah, when I tried to render it myself in blender, I got the purple coming out in the rendering as well, so hopeully the modeler who knows more about Blender than I do can explain whats going on here, and why its coming out all purple because I don't know why its doing that She set this model up a certain way to render..
I thought it may have had a subsurf modifier on but I didnt, and I agree, the wireframe looks slightly hefty, but by no means much far above a few thousand. Looking at the eyes they are triangulated instead of poly, but they dont look too hefty at all either. I thought it could have been the finger tips, toe tips or the shorts, I cannot find the culprit at all.
this is really odd, so where the half million polys count coming from?
The file has been taken over by a pol(y)tergeist. The most reasonable explanation I can think of right now.
Alright, first off it's nice to meet you Chris_M_The_Game_Dude.
Now into your conundrums involving the transfer of the file.
So first the number of polygons on this model are in fact perfectly normal as this modle has just come out of sculpting (the hefty vert count is required when sculpting) and has not yet undergone any of the normal low poly adaptations this is the high rez version. My intention was to use baked maps and decemination, as opposed to retop, deform mesh, or proxy mesh techniques that way the texturing could be done prior to the low poly process. I can give any information you may requirte to complete that process, I would have liked to finish that before handing over the file, but my time has been rather severly snatched from me by this studio.
As for the textures I confess to not knowing the culprit behind the images not being included (or not being able to be extracted), so I will require assistance in getting to the bottom of it. If that is alright with you I have some inquires about the file you have recieved.
-Is this the same file you have? https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B9Jpy0Zl8L5BSVJqT2ZCcnlTQ28
If it is then;
-What is the date in the title of the file?
-What is the number following the date?
-How big is the file?
-When loaded is the file in the camera angle, or front view, and how many windows display the 3d viewport?
Lastly could you give me some more information about the flaw with the hair systems? I can take a shot in the dark at what may be the issue, but it would be helpful to get more information for a more targeted assesment.
A polygeist? Hey Now that's an interesting element to put into my video game for an enemy..... He's been sculptured first so you can do all the details stuff to get his hair right, and other facial features and then when all that's been done then hes ready to be made game ready.
The date of the file was from when I downloaded it and I cant remember the size of it right now. There were two screens loaded at the start. Ill check some more in the morning.
I imagine a polygeist to look like a demon like thing thats untextured and to have an absolutely horrid amount of poly's lagging or crashing a game.
Yeah the model Is supposed to chew up an alarming amount of polys at the moment because its still in the sculpting stage. its not in the final stage yet which is to make it all game ready. So I guess this kind of modeling is a bit like that Zbrush program I heard about... There's stlll the hair to get right, and some of his facial tweaks and aesthethics while I'm waiting for the voice test..
Alright. I do find it a bit weird there are that many polys even in sculpting stage, but thats just because everyone has different modelling preferences.
Also I just noticed that Its been three days now in waiting for that voice test file to be uploaded Also Tom uses a different setup, so I don't know how long it will take to get the model hair and face stuff done. Probably a bit Longer than 2 days no doubt. but the voice test I need shouldn't take longer than two days to get done. it should only take just 5 minutes.
So just to be sure, have we solved all the issues with the file; or is there still points you'd like to address?
Sorry, Ive been doing a lot of free work for everyone at a good pace but there has just been a lot. I'll definitly have it done by the end of the day here.
hair - Some trouble but it should be nearly done if there is nothing ive missed. texture- anyone figure out why this is doing this? I can't.
To fix the texture could you send me a link to the file you have?
This page is building all kinds of great errors from us having files on it.
Reason on me taking long on mic recordings was because I was trying to get a time to hangout with my friend with a band so we could play with the equipment a bit. but Ill just use a lower quality mic and try to enhance the audio by a little bit.
Ok, I finally see, this is not the correct file. Some how both of these files ended up with the exact same name, I apologize for this mix up.
Have you gotten very far into working on his hair? If so then you can send me the most current file and I will repair the textures immediantly.
Here is the proper file, but again if you have already gotten ahead just send me the most recent file and I will get the textures set up properly.
OH, I see, I thought it be more easier with a mic and just the home computer. But if you're going for higher quality, I guess you have to do it that way with the band gear.
Well my friend is busy so im just gonna go with lower quality now as a placeholder. then if that works I can make better versions later after I have more time
Well there were a few places that looked like if he was textured then he would look rather ratty and not fully human. After you repair that file Ill redo my work on it.
Hmm yes we need him looking as human as we can get him. that's what I'm aiming for to try to get the closest possble match with him to the real life photo.
After that we can preform an exorcism on the polygeist.
Yeah Once the model is done then there's the rigging part, I think he will need the idle breathing animation, idle yawn stretch, . For when this guy gets bored of waiting around for activity after a few minutes, maybe I should make this guy just nod off and fall asleep. and then when you press a key he says one liners like:
Axel back online and ready for action/Oops, Did I doze off, sorry about that,/Dam. Must've fallen asleep again, I was just taking a plank (er break.),/ Even I need rest or how do you expect me to keep recharging my health?
death and start again One Liners: Oh no, dead again, do I have to start all over?/ I hate games that have no checkpoints, remember to save!/ , I will not fail you this time. I promise.,/ It can't be over, I haven't even gotten to the good part yet,/ I will be back, I will do better next time, /Dying is becoming such an annoying habit/ I was too weak to survive, I will be stronger next time./Don't worry, just get me up another ten more levels then I can stop dying all the time.
As I previously mentiond I unfortunately do not have time to work on this project anymore, so improvement or changes to the texturing will have to be passed on to someone else. I will place the current texture on your most current file if you will share that, but I will not be avaliable to do much more than that.
I did upload the model in my last comment that has the proper file (It has all the current progress I had made on this model.) if you do not want to share your file you can use that one,
I have done what I can to make it poltergist free, though I will give a disclaimer that I am not a full fleged exorcist and can not verify that beings are not still haunting it. (8D
Then I must contain it to a flash drive. which is pretty much limbo. then we take it to top men. top men.
Ermm I was referring to Chris when I wrote that, he might have some time even though i know you're very busy now, byw what studio?
It's called Little Fluffy Cloud, though I am only a contractor (third party at that). Not a full employee
I wonder what kind of games Fluffy Cloud Studios like making. The name reminds me of that vicious three-headed Cerebrus dog in Harry Potter.. Chris, I would like to know whats happening with the Commander model, I've not seen any screenshots yet to see if any more work has been done, whats this you tell me about saving the file on a flash drive and giving it to top men? Who are these top men you mention? Tom gave the file to you to finishing the modeling of of his hair and put the rest of the finishing touches on the face to get it close as we can to match the real life guy in the photo.
As for the voice demo thing, I've seen nothing more about that in six days now. As for the model I thought it would just take a short time to tweak the Commander to get him matching up the photo unless you have to do a complete overhaul on him because I don't know what's going on at the moment with the commander's modeling work now that Tom has given you the correct file. W've not heard back from you about it for several days to see how things are progressing with it.
When I finally do receive that voice test, I have minor dialog roles in the game (less than 50-100 lines) as well as maor roles, because the Commander (the lead role guy) has got 4,100 text dialog segments. Each segment contains 1-4 lines of text each. so roughtly around 8,000-9,000 lines of dialog)
The Commander is one of the big jobs. But Storm his sidekick is the biggest job of all, he has the most dialog but I know Its going to take a motivated person to get the commander's dialog work done because I done all the typing up of all the dialog text in the game and also made several thousand synthesis speech files (which I want to replace with human voice graduallly) but I did the speech synthesis to test out all the storylines and i know with big projects, like this, in order to remain motivated, you have to do a little bit of work on it at a time on a regular basis.
.Keep me updated on the model
Sorry. Ive been gone and got up in a lot of work and RL stuff. Dealing with setting up my education and nothing really going the right way, sorry I worried you with my pop culture 'top men' joke on Raiders of the lost ark. Not being able to fix the models textures and the hair bugging out and/or not rendering. I gotta go in a bit, even now im just on my phone. As for the sound files sometime soon. And id like to do a bit on your game if you need but I wont be able to do much fast for a while with my situation. Sound files, they will be at a high quality and come anytime soon now.
As for the model as its been turning into a jumbled mess of more and more bugs (for whatever reason, im not using any experimental plugins) you may need somone else on it. I have to admit defeat on this one, I just am not talented as tomtalented.
I cant even work on my own asset packs for this while.
How can you still be having more troubles and other 'bugs'popping up with the commander's model?Why is he messing all up on you, Well, I do remmeber a Blender Swap model of high quality called Tetine Elfie she was a very good looking model, she would suit my game well with one major problem. When rendering her animations for her to walk over an pick up the box off the ground, when it gets to that point of picking up the box, , her hair starts all turning into a jumbled up mess on the screen, definitely not normal, so when I think of jumbled up mess, I think of what happene to that model's hair.
I thought Tom had already explained how the model had been set up, including how the hair systems have been done so it won't mess up and should all render. I did not gve Tom an easy task to try to get the model looking like the real life photo with all the hair and stuff. Tom knows how to do all the processes for this but didn't have the time to finish it off. But Tom has uploaded the correct file, so the textures should be there, and you're still having trouble with rendering the model's textures and hair systems, if Tom gives you any instructions on how to render the model, follow them exactly, the textures could be assigned to name labels, instead of just slapping the texture in.
Ok do the voice demo work if you able to do that. so I can at least make a start on the voice work. As for the commander's model, this is now turning into a bit of a nightmare regarding getting him done because Tom has no time to get him all finished becaue of another project, that's why his hair is not finished yet and missing a few other tweaks ect.. And the other modeler guy who was supposed to model my sloop creature for me has stopped responding after saying to me that he would model it, an I haven't heard back anything more for nearly 2 weeks !!!, so maybe you could model other things for me instead that are not as difficult to model as human models are, like creatures and stuff, or props that the game needs if you have time that is for things have not gone right for me either, for Tom ran out of time to finish the model's processes, the female voice actor for the role of Loana, suddenly fell ill, and her lines are still all on hold so I can't do anything there, Loana had about 150 segments of her lines done, and Loana has still got over a thousand segments still to do in her script. So I've had some setbacks. Hopefully something will come right. But I think with any project, there are bound to be some setbacks before things start to work themselves out..........
Yes, I can definitely do other models. I mostly consider myself a prop and environmental artist when it comes to 3D. Higher Poly characters are definitely not my Fortè. I make plenty of my own textures for my 3D props also.
I can try doing it based on instructions but even then I think he would be putting just as much work into it and that it still would run into some problems.