I have started modeling work on my video game
I have started modeling work on my video game
My modeler who was doing this project, (volunteer project) she suddenly had a big commercial project come up from out of nowhere, (sometimes that happens) so I have to find another 3d modeler now to finish off my model as the commander for my game is not fully completed yet. Just his aesthetics need to be polished up and a bit more tweaking with him needs to be done. The model was made with Blender.
I'm also looking for any volunteer male voice actors to help as well, because due to health issues my female voice over person who was currently working on some of my game female voice roles is unable to continue to voice over for me at this time to finish off the dialog, so I am now looking for male voice overs for doing the male roles of the game while I wait to see if she can resume when she is feeling much better.
Need to put a Sc-Fi 26th century ship mlitary uniform also on the commander, with the commander insignia symbol on the shoulder.
The game itself was a big project consiting of many worlds and systems, so I can only get a little modeling of it done at a time of those who are willing to lend a hand.
This game I'm doing is in the 26th century setting. Its a Sci-Fi Rpg Storyline dialog Game. The game is a bit like Mass Effect but there's no shepherd or reapers in it, but its a SCi Fi Transgalactic game with a ton of jobs.. Tom still has got the Beat 'n' Shake club project, the work on that only just had started.... Well you can do the sloop if you want, that's the vicious little Mohawk fur slimeball creature that lives in the Besai Sky City Stink Crystal Gardens Farm area.. Besai Sky City is is a living sewer nightmare, I explained what this place was like to Tom its bascially the whole planet is a living recycling sewer dump.
I also considered having an opening cutscene for Besai Sky homeworld.
Here's the info on the Sloop. They have Little Red beady eyes
Sloop Class 1 Weak: Green Slmeball like creature moves on short stubby little legs going fast like windmills, but the body moves slow Tries to bite at you if you get too close to it.
Sloop Class 2 Medium: Green Slimeball with some Fur and fin webbing running own back, throws slimeballs. also has poison bite.
Sloop Class 3 Strong: This sloop has a bright orange white fur mohawk running down head and spine, body fur is brownish green in color, Has several classes of different attacks. And can throw slimeballs quite a distance.
If you obtain the sloop translator from the Besai pet store, then you can decode their langauage.
I might put in the storyline where the Gorgos who are usually either trying to stir up trouble by barging in the beat 'n' shake clubs and causing trouble getting hostile or picking fights in the bars, they also don't like to loose, and get mad when losing in hoverbike races they enter into, so they are bascially bullies, they come from Dacra Space, they are brute thugs with not much intelligence, they have been also kidnapping Sloops from Besai unknown to the Besians, but they are suspicious that something is up, for sloop numbers have been dwindling and evenually they ask you to investigate, and as it turns out the Gorgos have been turning them into pet food, so you have to find and shut down their illegal distribtion center and the pet factory operation as part of one of the sloop storylines.The sloop storyline is a very small part of this vast game.
Sounds good, this is something I can make.
Okay How many more days before the sound demo file is ready? As for modeling, well my my windows script code, the first few pages of all the flags I set up for the game (there's about 30 pages of flag settings here Thsi is what goes in the SAVE DATA FILE. I couln't upload the text file so i poste a small excerpt of it here. I can always delete the long extraction later later once you seen how i set this game all up.
set macusrejectshut=0 && Rem Macus Cloud Nebula Abandoned Ship Shuttle Rejected Flag
set macushiplog=0 && Rem Macus Cloud Nebula Abandoned Ship Log Item Flag
set deadgorgos=1 && Rem Jamsi Hovercar Race Dialog Trigger Reference Flag
set jhovercarbuy=0 && Rem Tryphis System Jamsi Hovercar Race Driver Dialog Trigger
set hadconvmine=1 && Rem Tryphis System Mine Dialog Trigger 1
set sloopremedymax=10 && Rem Besai System Sky City Garden Pet Store Sloop Shop Max Limit
set slooprotectgear=0 && Rem Besai System Sky City Garden Pet Store Sloop Protective Gear
All those letters just scared me. Dont force me to read. Ples siur.
I removed the lengthy code, but you did tell me you could finish Tom's project, before saying later on a week later that Tom's model was beyond your level so Tom wants to know from you if the techincal issues with the file have been resolved.
Now you tell me that Human Modeling is not your strong area, Nevetheless, you can model the other things in the game that fall within your skill set like with textures, and props and my sloop, I have to look for someone else to take over the commander's model who knows how to finish it..
Now the world economy has run into some problem so I want to get the modeling work now started on my game. I'm now writing up the Debian System, added in four new land vehcles:
Common Buggy, Rough Terrain Rider, Rocket Booster Supreme, Sand Buggy Springer
Which you can now hire at the Vendor if you want to explore the planet's wilderness. Of course this is just only been made in the text script, not yet in a 3d engine.
There are also going to be a few boobys put in this game. You buy a certain Security hover Drone some shady trader found in a some lost void expanse and he wants a hefty price of 20,000 credits. When first activated, it Works fantastic at downing a few dozen strong enemies, and just when you think you got yourself a real powerful mobile turret and then the whole thing overheats when it kilsl about a dozen of them then it just blows up in pieces after fishing firing off its final rounds, and 20,000 credits goes down the drain just like that. To compensate there will be nearly planet you can find loot on. So you won't be set back too much. But you will never trust that trader again.
I also need to make the space ship to walk all around in, it having 100 or so crew and consisting of eight decks to walk around in that's gonna be a big project. Easy to put this all down in text, but not so easy to make it in a 3d engine because you have to wire up also all the engine scripts..
You can also use MAKE HUMAN to create a basic human mesh and then texture it with a head face texture, ect,,
Take my commander's photo, and put it on a make human mesh and see how it turns out. For all I know it could turn out really well or turn out bad. Only way to know is to slap it on an find out to see if we can use his face photo for the head texture for the mesh and if it works with Make Human Models then that save doing alot of work. If it turns out good Then its just a matter of finding sutiable face head textures to put on the meshes for those 100 sihp crew on the roster.
So you can that make human program to build the human model or other props and resources for it is a public domain program..But you have to mess around with the code of the program to add in those extra menu scripts and resource libraries. So then you could transform make HUman into a Model Resource Library generator. So I have the ideas and concepts in my game script, but need to find the people to make the ideas come to life.
I do type very high speed, that's why there's alot of text.