Pie in the sky project ideas (things we'd love to do if we had infinite time or money) -- add your own!
Pie in the sky project ideas (things we'd love to do if we had infinite time or money) -- add your own!
I have this tendency to come up with random project ideas that I absolutely don't have time for, so I thought I might start a thread for putting those ideas out there and seeing which ones stick, and maybe that'll give me some direction as to what I ought to push for in the future, once OGA2 is done. Here are some of the things that I'd like to try:
- Picking up the 32x32 community JRPG tile set project again. It fell flat the first time, but we were a lot smaller then, and we didn't have the kind of collaboration tools that we're planning for OGA2
- Creating a pack of high quality textures, completely with relief mapping, AO-mapping, specular mapping, etc, for use in high end game engines.
- Assemble a large set of quality orchestral instrument samples (those of you who understand recording no doubt know how big of an effort this would be)
- Create a 2d plaformer where you play as Kalenz, from Wesnoth (or any new game based on the Wesnoth world)
- Finish my JRPG project (this is what I'm most likely to tackle next)
If any of these things strike people as interesting, please let me know. If this jogs loose any ideas, or if you have any cool pie-in-the-sky projects of your own that you want to talk about, post them here. :)
If I could, I'd dearly love to make a steampunk FPS based on the Overdose engine. I even have a lot of the mechanics and characters worked out in my head already. Alas, there's little chance of me being able to do that any time in the next few years, as I may have a hard limit on my time in the next few months. There's also a Glest tech tree mod I'm working on that is in danger of becoming abandonware if I don't finish it in time.
As far as OGA goes, the first would involve creating a full suite of steampunk weapons, characters, props, etc., which I already started to do with my revolver, shotgun, straight razor, pocket watch, top hats... whatever else I might be forgetting.
You know I was always down for this Bart. I am all for game ideas, project ideas, and other forms of organization coming from OGA. It makes it really come together as a community. I dont want to overwhelm myself at the moment. But I will be open for helping out with a few sounds or music direction. :) Also, Steampunk fps sounds promising.
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/OpenGameArt
If you guys need any help on projects email me atBrandonmorris12@gmail.com. Pay is not mandatory and Im open.
I'd actually finish a project.
I have a neat idea for a 3D rts where you play as armies of insects battling it out admist the grass and rocks.
Bart, as far as a wesnoth rpg goes, there are already two projects which aimed at the same thing, no doubt a lot of code could be scavenged from them
I always wanted to make an open sandbox game like GTA but instead of focusing on single player it would be all mutiplayer. Kinda like gta mmo. But barely any role playing aspects at all. It would be a very intricate roleplaying game. Where people would have to roleplay their parts correctly. Just like real life, where if they dont follow themselves as a normal citizen they could be executed for being a criminal and they have to start all over with their character. :P
For a second idea, i wanted to work on a game where exaclty where you are in the game different music plays for where you are and for what you do in the game something builds up on it to make a whole song for the boss. So depending on how you play the level, depends on how your boss music is gonna sound.
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/OpenGameArt
If you guys need any help on projects email me atBrandonmorris12@gmail.com. Pay is not mandatory and Im open.
I would hire a group of people to create some sort of open source version of Neverwinter Nights except that it would be a toolset or middleware for the creation of action-adventure games (Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil, etc.) rather than role-playing games.
Since we already have so many pieces of it already like sprites, why not make a 16x16 JRPG tileset? We have a lot of sprites, as well as a castle exterior, town exterior, and town interior. We particularly need an overworld, some cave/dungeon tilesets, a castle interior, etc. Best of all it would be useful for the phone games that are so popular these days.
HTML5 Canvas Old School RPG
I tell people all the time that I would like for us to make a OGA community game mostly based off the content we have, instead of most projects being worked on outside of the website. So that Idea I would be cool with.
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/OpenGameArt
If you guys need any help on projects email me atBrandonmorris12@gmail.com. Pay is not mandatory and Im open.
I think that the 16x16 complete tileset idea has been hovering around for quite a while, especially as part of Bart's own JRPG project (which I understand is a little stalled atm due to OGA 2.0 etc., but still in the works). That's why I was hired to do the interior tileset, as far as I understood it. For the record, I really enjoyed working on that and I would love to do more--would be doing more, were I not swamp'ed by school. Here's hoping summer looks clearer...
I'd like to build a vast world in Flare.
Right now the max map size is only about 384m x 384m (256x256 tiles and each tile is about approximately scaled to be 1.5m on a side). So it would take three max-sized maps just to travel 1km.
Now, traveling 1km on foot in a video game isn't always exciting. Game worlds tend to be far denser than our real world. But I think it'd be nice to have a world large enough to be lost in.
Compare the size of some other games: http://i.imgur.com/uBWCz.jpg
Even if I made a world the size of Oblivion it would take 20 max-size maps across and 20 down. Of course not all maps would be max size. Maybe because of the nature of an isometric action game, the world map doesn't need to be so vast.
Hopefully once more tilesets are built, people will send in their own maps and I'll add them to the official game world which will grow organically.
If the missing tilesets I mentioned in my previous post above were provided, I'd be able to convert my HTML5 demo game from 32x32 to 16x16 and to use 100% open graphics. The main reason I went with 32x32 in the first place is that most of the good "free" tilesets I could find online were 32x32. 16x16 would actually be better for download performance reasons.
HTML5 Canvas Old School RPG
I think more people should know about the 16x16 tileset idea. Especially if its browser based. What if we had a playable browser game that you could play on OGA that was made mostly of the content from OGA. That would get a lot of peoples attention :)
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/OpenGameArt
If you guys need any help on projects email me atBrandonmorris12@gmail.com. Pay is not mandatory and Im open.