16x16 character tile sheets

16x16 character tile sheets

PreciousRoy's picture

I have a small project this week(witch i stream the making of) that needs some custom pixel art characters (wizard, zombie, skeleton) 

the characters are going to go together with this spritesheet floating-islands


what i need is:

all of them walking animation (up, down, left , right)

all of them a melee attack (wizard with sword)

and wizard an extra ranged attack (firebal).


personaly i like his characters in his Dungeon tileset better and would like to use them(just 1 of them) 

all of them in 16x16 to mach the spritesheet. and i do not mind paying for work done.


And when i am done with the project i would like to release the sheet with an open license and add it to the current spritesheet


Precious Roy