Looking for a song request.
Looking for a song request.
I am thinking of making a song, But lately I have been really getting into foley and when I have been making music its been very ambient mixes. So I am asking for you guys to post very specifically a song or genre you are looking for including instruments and everything that I will attempt to make for you guys. So write a comment below and hit me up on what you want me to make. Thanks :)
How about a symphony? instruments: jew's harp, spoons, washtub bass, washboard, clackamore, musical saw, and banjo
If you are looking for a challenge... ;)
Very interesting, I think I will actually try to tackle this. I am up for a challenge. Keeps my mind straight.
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/OpenGameArt
If you guys need any help on projects email me atBrandonmorris12@gmail.com. Pay is not mandatory and Im open.
I'd suggest doing something with a south east asian theme :)
Like as in an ambient tone or in an upbeat song with south east asian influence in it?
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/OpenGameArt
If you guys need any help on projects email me atBrandonmorris12@gmail.com. Pay is not mandatory and Im open.
I was thinking ambient, something to listen to while walking through rice paddies :)
well I just got done playing Battlefield bad company 2 vietnam and I did kinda like that horse fiddle type music. Unless you mean ambient relaxation music like so
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/OpenGameArt
If you guys need any help on projects email me atBrandonmorris12@gmail.com. Pay is not mandatory and Im open.
I always wanted to make a game with a friend that was a game nsync with innovative music. Kinda like a game where if it was raining outside a song that was made out of rain drop samples and thunder would play and be in sync with the person movement in the game. I cant really explain it, but I have played one game kinda like that. Where they would play a guitar track that was loop through the first level and to beat the first level you would have to jump on the correct strings on a giant guitar to play back the song that was playing through the level to pass.
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/OpenGameArt
If you guys need any help on projects email me atBrandonmorris12@gmail.com. Pay is not mandatory and Im open.
I would love to see the Moonlight Sonata serving as the intro/base for some awesome (perhaps jrpgish) boss music. That's always struck me as an awesome combo: the sort of rolling inevitability of the music lends it a sense of power.
But yeah, that's sort of a random idea
Something steampunk-ish. Now, I'm not sure if there's necessarily a strict "steampunk" style, but I imagine something with distorted electric guitar, metal drums, and some classical strings and brass.
Example of steampunk music: http://www.escapetheclouds.com/music.cfm
I expected a bit more harpsichord, really.
This is good. I like all these ideas. I am definetly thyinking of doing a steampunk and a southeast asian theme. I do however want to make a complete one style album for a game so someone can use.
If you guys ever played okage, I was thinking of making a sort of Jrpg style under that and make a good minimal of 6-7 songs that will fit in the game. Boss,main menu,battlescenes,save point etc. I am thinking this would be a good idea in the fact that I can post something more organized rather then making music for games I can see in my own mind.
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/OpenGameArt
If you guys need any help on projects email me atBrandonmorris12@gmail.com. Pay is not mandatory and Im open.
well the asian theme idea came from dungeon hack, whose theme is like a south east asian version of oblivion. They need a lead music creator too actually, so if you made them an album in that style they'd almost certainly use it :)
You got more info on this? link or anything?
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group: http://steamcommunity.com/groups/OpenGameArt
If you guys need any help on projects email me atBrandonmorris12@gmail.com. Pay is not mandatory and Im open.
here is a brief intro to dungeonhack
Here is their music and sound design information: http://dungeonhack.sourceforge.net/Art_Design#Sonic
they have a few tracks already to give you a feel for it.
here is the team make up, which shows the role of soundmaster is currently available:
and here is the forum to sign up and ask questions:
And you might want to check out #dhackers on freenode