Give me your midi
Give me your midi
Wednesday, October 28, 2009 - 19:54
I started to orchestrate midi files some weeks ago and quite liked it. Especially retro game tracks sound great to me when orchestrated. Now I ve run out of midi files and altough Bart still feeds me when he composed some new tunes (and I am very glad about those :D ) I still need more. I am also fine with some classical ones, but I may probably find only few of them actually good and suitable for game music.
So if you have some good midi files (released under a good license), please send them to me so I can orchestrate them and upload to OpenGameArt. Of course you can use them afterwards as well for your project :D
Thanks for your help :D
remaxim: "I am also fine with some classical ones, but I may probably find only few of them actually good and suitable for game music."
How about "new age" music? I have midi files of some contemporary instrumental compositions released under the CC-BY-SA license.
Hey Aosi,
I am not really sure what you mean. Probably best if you just link me the midis... if it is modern classic probably the same rule applies as to classic music (altough I peronally like modern classic more)
The reason I only mentioned classical midis is that those are the only ones that are already under public domain or at least there are only few other compositions. So if you or some other guy did the compositions and released them under CC-BY-SA, it is fine with me, but if those are just midis of none CC artists, they are still unfree until their work is public domain (mostly 70 years after the death of the composer IIRC)
They are my original compositions. Seems I can't post links though. If you search for me on Dogmazic, you'll find a link to my wordpress blog. On the blog, you'll find a link to the midi files. A very roundabout way to get at the files but the best I can do.
Yeah, absolutely. It is stuff like that I am searching for.
I can't promise that I can orchestrate it good, but I ll try. Could you link me the midis some way (either register or join us on #opengameart at If you want to discuss and influence the orchestration it is probably best you join us on IRC.
just out of interest: did you had actually video games in mind when composing those? they sound very much like it IMO :)
The spam was getting out of hand, so we had to make it so people couldn't post links. If you want, just post the link with spaces where the punctuation would be. We'll figure it out. :)
remaxim: "did you had actually video games in mind when composing those?"
No. I was just trying to compose some new age music.
Here's the link:
http www zshare net download 67830610bead80b9
Note: the midi files don't have any fade-outs. Also, the drums in "Moments of Elation" are (mostly) not midi so they're not in the midi file.
Thank you
I see what I can do :D
Just an update: I have an updated package available at the Internet Archive (http www archive org/details/Aosi-TheShiftingLanguagelossless) that includes updated midi files, notation, and lossless audio files, if you need them.
Do you want just the midi as in the composition tabs? to tell velocity, note, and rhythm? I can give you a lot of those and tell you want time signature they fit best and what key they are in. Then you can put any instrument or vst of your choice in there and make it come to life.
Brandon Morris,
Steam Group:
If you guys need any help on projects email me Pay is not mandatory and Im open.
Thanks Brandon, but I actually stopped doing that a long time ago. If there is actually someone who needs some reconstruction of a midi file for a project I might consider it, but I am pretty busy by now